Tuesday 9 July 2019

Back to work...

Tuesday 9th July 2019
You need to listen to your body because your body is listening to you.

I've dreamt that much in the night, I feel like I've already done a days work!  Yesterday was a good day though, I did lots of activity, 2 dog walks and an hour walking on my own in which I did 3.5 miles.  I also did a workout at Lorraine's, https://www.facebook.com/bevww/videos/10156976735610862/ she allowed me to film another personal training session to share with you all, this is the 4th one now & I know lots of you have been using them to workout too. Please consider signing up for her on demand website or at least buy her a one off coffee via https://www.buymeacoffee.com/fbtGRpV, you pay by PayPal, her website is Www.ltfitness.net.

So Pilates is hard!  I'll definitely have another go at it though, I'm enjoying all of the workouts and at half hour it's just enough.  My favourite way to move will always be a good walk you can't beat it, I find it completely clears my head, this one allows me to look out over the farmers fields and then walk down a path that goes down inbetween two estates with lots of greenery each side, perfect.   
Now I'm not sure of the difference between hike and walk on the Fitbit, after some research I think a hike is expecting you to be going up and down hills probably slower were as a walk is a faster purposeful walk on a flatter surface.  To find out the difference in FitPoints, I plan to do the exact same walk again and put it down as a walk as I'd categorised that as a hike yesterday and it gave me 16SP for the 3.52 miles.  Then I won't set it as a work out at all and I'll do it again and see what happens, if FitBit realises I'm doing something that deserves more steps.  

Oh and I did get time to relax, I had a lovely bath, sat in the garden and finished reading my book, the first actual physical book I've read in forever, there will be more, I enjoyed it. 

Now for my breakfast, I was having the last one of my scotch eggs but Alfie had other ideas so I ended up without, I had this for lunch 4SP but wasn't keen at all, I ate the chicken, instead I ended up having a can of Big Soup, that was alright, I only had 1 slice of bread and spread with it too. 

 My dinner however was delicious, 12SP of chicken & bacon in peppercorn sauce topped with lattice pastry seriously good these could become my weekly treat, I had one the other week with garlic butter, they are really good (from Penn Road Butchers https://www.facebook.com/Penn-Road-Butchers-1570997599797501/

There was also a slice of lemon drizzle cake that Julie had made, too good not to have some.

Right now to have a good day, I've defrosted a packet of chicken breasts, think I'll cool a couple in Maggi seasoned cooking papers, they're great for eating cold from the fridge when you just want to eat and at 1SP a paper, they're great value for points too.  
and with the others I'm thinking, stuffing them with St Agur cheese and wrapping in proscuitto, nom nom, with veggies and maybe mash.  I've defrosted some sausages too so possibly more scotch eggs, although I only have Panko breadcrumbs unless I nip to the shop.

Anyway, I need to go as I want to try and give Alfie a quick walk before I go to work so that means rushing.  Catch some of you in workshops later, otherwise have a great day, mwah

Luv ya, 

Love me x 

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