Saturday 22 June 2019

Track anyway!

Saturday 22nd June 
Be the person you needed when you were younger. 

Had a lazy day yesterday, breakfast was a slice of bread and butter and a scotch egg, which cold reminded me of a sausage roll without the pastry and as it's the pastry bit that gives me heartburn, I'll be making more of those scotch eggs this weekend, I love em. 

I had chicken breasts that were use by yesterday so I used the new WW bag 'n' bake garlic and herb to cook them in and made a quesadilla which was delicious, even mom had a big slice of it from me. 

A lot of struggling going on out there at the moment, lots of different reasons, some as simple as our mood is a little low because we've not really had any summer yet!  It's important to realise it's okay to not be okay, to not beat ourselves up and to do what we can when we can, so my day didn't go brill food wise but I'm not going to give myself a hard time over it, I enjoyed that packet of cheese and onion crisps I had, the bags just not big enough and they don't last long enough, even when I do give them 100% of my attention.   Track anyway, even if you go over by 100SP a day, write it down, learn more about your habits, oh and you'll earn those Wellness Wins so why wouldn't you!

The best time for successful weight loss I can offer, is don't rush the process, take your time, settle for 1/2lb a week - that's still 2 stone a year and it only requires small tweaks to your eating habits.  I know we all want everything yesterday but weight loss doesn't work that way, we've all done it, said 'right that's it, I'm doing this', then you empty all the 'bad', 'naughty' stuff out the cupboards and it's all great for a week, heck sometimes a month, but then you fall face first into a vat of 'bad & naughty' food because it's nice and you've missed it like an old friend!   So instead of doing that, plan to have a bit of your favourite stuff so you don't miss it. 

Work on a tweak each week, focus on changing one thing at a time, so it might be upping your water intake, getting more steps on your Fitbit, eating more greens, you choose but trying to change it all at once is a sure way to disappointment and pressure. 

Don't deprive yourself - have the biscuit or the back of crisps but don't have 6!    If you're going to have them, enjoy them, heck let them replace a meal, I had 4 chocolate biscuits last night, they were my tea, 12SP, what a joke but when I've looked that's still 258 calories which isn't the end of the world, if I'd had salmon, rice and veg it would've been more than 258 so I'm not going to beat myself up for going over my points.  No eating biscuits wouldn't be a great thing to do every day but a one off, well it's okay and check me out for stopping at 4 biscuits!  

Be accountable, get to your workshop every week regardless of how you've done!  Oh and stop being so hard on yourself, if it was easy we'd all be thin!  

 “People often say motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing. That’s why we recommend it daily.”

 We all have limited amounts of willpower which is why habits and routines are so important, work at establishing new, healthy ones that will help you long term and you'll be surprised at how this helps you much more than doing the 'I'm going on a diet this week' mentality. 

Start to notice all the results not just the scales, focus on how you feel not just how you look!  Also remember being healthy doesn't have to be dull, healthy food can be delicious, moving more doesn't have to suck, find something fun you enjoy, I hear so many members say how they love clubacise, I enjoy my walking. 

Ooo and maybe reward yourself, but find something other than food to do that with, don't reward yourself with food - you're not a dog.  And on that note, I'll go get ready for work. 

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me x

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