Tuesday 11 June 2019

The struggle is real!

Tuesday 11th June 2019
When you feel like quitting, think about why you started.

The struggle is part of the journey, everyone goes through it, keep going and don't give up.  That's what I'm telling myself this morning, I really don't like this gloomy weather, it affects my mood and my behaviour  which in turn affects my eating habits, everything is related to each other.

My day started off great, Lorraine invited me to do another live workout on Facebook, 20 minutes, earned 2FP for 20 mins resistance band training, watch it here - Workout number 2 - better still get your resistance band and do it whilst watching it, we're all short on time so 20 minutes is doable, especially as you don't even have to leave the house to do it, nor wear any special clothing, I'm in an old pair of leggings, they don't even fit me properly which is why you can probably see my skin as I stretch in them, but hey, who cares, hopefully doing this is going to help me shrink in size a little.   I also had another sports massage from her, she's helping me with my existing pain which the majority of is being caused by tight muscles, I have a theory about that, my brother and his dogs make me walk really fast and I have to really quicken my natural pace, I think that's not helping, so I need to stretch out before and after our walks!

Now this is where it started to go wrong but I didn't even realise it was, I had that fish to eat I'd defrosted so on my way home I stopped at the Co-op to get a bread roll to make a fish finger sandwich.  I ended up buying a Baguette thinking I'll throw the rest to the foxes with jam on (they like bread and jam!) so I came home and made this;

I even saved 5SP by taking the middle out of the piece.  I coated the fish in breadcrumbs, chives, lemon zest and roasted with courgettes and yellow peppers, I enjoyed it with tartare sauce and it only cost me 10SP.   For breakfast I'd only had a banana and a nectarine.

Do you know what's coming next?   Over the course of the rest of the day I ate the rest of the baguette, with cheese and onion, at least the cheese was low fat, oh and some with butter because I've run out of low fat spread!  Seriously need to do a proper shop with a list or online or something, this being disorganised is not helping my weight loss journey, doing all the walking and exercise in the world won't outweigh a bad diet!  I only added half dozen things to the food list yesterday, that's lame, 24 different foods in 3 days.  Today I could add chicken, I need to eat some of the food I already have again, I have a chilli pot that I could have on a jacket potato, that'd be nice and quick, maybe make a chicken hot pot, oooo yeah I like that idea, looking out the window at this rain, it's just the kind of food I need too.  I'll have eggs for breakfast, maybe add spinach, that's another food to add to the list.

We sat in front of the tele for the rest of the day, Alfie wasn't in the mood to go out and Killing Eve went on about 5 and I ended up watching 3 or 4 of them, compulsive viewing, mom doesn't like it at all but she kept quiet so I could watch it, she slept through the first one.

We had an early night, was in bed by 9, a restless night but still got me a good 7 hours in-between the restlessness.

Right I will have a better day today, here's my meal plan finalised.

Spinach Omelette with a cheese triangle - 1SP
Chilli con carne with rice - 7SP
Chicken hot pot - will only need to point the potatoes so about 5SP

Let's do this, I will ignore the horrid weather, if I don't go for a walk with Alfie because he refuses later, I will make some space in my bedroom and do one of Lorraine's workouts from her OnDemand https://www.ltfitness.net  there is always a way to add a little activity into your day, that's what she's making me realise, short and sweet workouts, doing my stretches that's she's shown me to do whilst waiting for the kettle to boil.  Yeah I need to think outside the box and add a few minutes here and there.  Mom was in a great mood when I went out yesterday morning, but not so much when I got back, took me a while to get her to a good place again, I work with that and find a way, I can do the same with working in more movement!

Let's have a very, great day!  Have you got your menu sorted?

Food list since Sunday 

Cheese triangles
Chocolate biscuit - 1 honest 
Low fat pork sausage
Porridge - WW stuff 
Peppers - green & yellow 
Seafood sticks 
Streaky bacon
Tomatoes - canned & cherry
Wholemeal bread

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