Friday 28 June 2019

Off out for lunch

Friday 28th June 2019
Two things to remember in life.  Take care of your thoughts when you're alone, and your words when you're with people.

Late typing the morning, managed to sleep till 5.40am, then Alfie wanted walking straight away so we went over the park and I've been engrossed in my audible book and needed to hear the last half hour when I got back so I've done my paperwork first whilst listening to it as I can do both but I can't blog and listen at the same time.  Anyway it was a wonderful book, I've actually cried whilst listening to the last hour or so, very moving and beautifully written. Half a world away by Mike Gayle, really good, stunningly heartfelt, I've laughed, I've cried, I felt like I knew them.

So back to my world, yesterday was a great workshop day, my meals were good, strawberries and 0% Greek yogurt for brekkie and the last of my scotch eggs - I need to go shopping my eggs are almost gone and my fridge is almost empty!  Plenty in the freezer though, now I could live on that stuff but I know the fresh stuff will help me with my weight loss more, so I will try to nip to Sainsbury's after lunch with my bestie - yay I'm escaping for an hour!

Now lunch yesterday was too much, it set me back 13SP but for a midday meal when I still had all night at work, it was too heavy, the fish wasn't the best either, so I won't be buying that one again, think it was Young's, I'll go and check hold on. 

Yeah Young's chip shop 7SP, these that were 6SP were much nicer. 

you can see it didn't look great did it, the batter wasn't bubbly or crispy!

My tea on the other hand was really good, the only thing it was missing was a splash of soya sauce, I've run out, it's on my list - maybe I should do an online order to make sure I only buy what I need, I'll see.   Anyway this was so easy, a diced up chicken breast fried with 2 bacon medallions (1SP), orange pepper (the only veg I had left in fridge), I cooked egg noodles (6SP) with frozen sweetcorn.  Added 2tsp of teriyaki marinade (1SP) to the pan and some Italian seasoning I found in the cupboard (note to self - need to sort herbs/spices cupboard) then mixed it all together and it was delicious.

Then I went and had more than planned wine and a packet of Walkers!  Hey ho, still finished on 49SP, I tracked the full bottle of wine, but there is some left for today and earned 7FP, managed 10k steps at least, despite Alfie being a lazy boy and me being at work all day.  I'm going to go do a workout in a minute too, which is why I'm going to cut this short because I think I'm going to try and do 30-40 minutes and up my game!  Still low impact though as my ankle isn't right and I still have that hamstring tightness.  It's all much better than it was though, my back is loads better than it's been in years, I'm less Gollum more human when getting out of bed in the morning, and I didn't see 'Oooo I'm going to Barbados' once this week which means I haven't moaned about my achy back as that's what I sing when I'm oooo ing about my back pain!

Right I'm chatting crap now (no change there) so I'm off, just a big thank you to everyone last night who had a go at the hula hoop at the workshop, you all made me laugh so much, but especially Lisa, there I go, chuckling again just remembering it.

Mwah, luv ya

Love me xx

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