Wednesday 5 June 2019

My bestie has done so well!

Wednesday 5th June 2019
Don't wait, life goes faster than you think.

Well it's Wednesday morning, weigh day and I've wok up still feeling half asleep, I didn't have the early night I'd planned, I don't even know why not but it was like a magnet was keeping me stuck to the chair, nearly 11 by the time I went up, ain't I daft.  Plus I ended up drinking more wine than I usually would on a Tuesday night and I had a bag of Wotsits and a chunk of cheese out of the fridge - what the hell, the night before weigh-in, am I a complete numpty or what!

Anyway let's not dwell, I'm enjoying my mug of tea and I'll get plenty water down me, a bit of fresh air with Alfie on our walk and I'm sure I'll be okay.  Now this is where it could all go tits up, I've said this month is about me making activity a habit, part of my weekly routine, so I have to do a workout this morning, I only have to do 15 minutes and my plank but it's part of my planned routine, Monday, Wednesday and Friday and I can't skip it already, I'm only on week 2!

If anything can motivate me it's seeing these two's before photos, check them out, Vicky is my bestie so I've watched her do amazing things over the last two years, she's lost over 2 and a half stone with me at WW, but also working out with Lorraine in her classes, but it wasn't until I saw this screen shot I took on one of the workout videos on Lorraine's on-demand workouts that I realised how far Kell had also come since joining me in January, she too has always worked out with Lorraine.  It just goes to show the combination of the WW plan and activity works wonders!

 This was them both last Christmas time I think Lorraine told me on her video

This is Kell on her holiday this week, 2 stone lighter.

This was my bestie V at our mates wedding in Dec 2016 I think, I should really know when they got married but hey I have a bad memory.

This is the gorgeous girl now, doesn't she look stunning, actually she always did but now she's the slimmest I've ever known her and I love how it's made her feel because the real results you can't actually see by looking at a photo, you feel them by spending time with her, having known her for 15 years, yeah getting fit has really helped my bestie in so many ways.

I'm hoping those photos will motivate me through my workout this morning, especially as my leg is still playing up, I'm hoping doing some stretching style stuff will help rather than hinder.  I'll let ya know tomorrow!  Use it or lose it is my belief and talking in the workshop last night, I admitted one of the reasons I haven't done any exercise over the last few year, is that I've been scared of injuring my body so that I'd be in more pain than I already am (that and I'm a lazy bitch who can't be bothered).  I'm hoping by building my strength, it will help my aching muscles and creaking bones, my ultimate goal would to be painfree in my back and legs.

Ooo a fox has just run down the road!  Speaking of which I had CCTV fitted yesterday, so mom can now watch what's going on outside from the living room.  I know the foxes have been last night because I saw one come and get a little bit before I went to bed, plus the rest of the food has gone this morning, yes the apparently like stale fruit loaf!  I believe they are partial to jam and bread too, so I know what to do with my stale bread in future, well we're not supposed to feed it to the ducks anymore are we, did you know that, now instead you can feed them, sweetcorn (tinned, fresh or frozen - take me out the tin first of course!), frozen peas, oats, seeds (bird seed or the stuff we eat) and lettuce, we all throw lettuce away so why not get the kids and go feed the ducks!  Oh and leftover cooked rice, oh and uncooked rice too apparently.  Who knew.  Get the kids a free duck activity guide here 

Anyway, I digress, I wanna go do my workout, I need to play with my CCTV, I can get them on my phone but I'm having issues with the app, the man was going to sort it whilst he was here yesterday but you couldn't make it up, the App Store was down and it didn't come back on until he'd left and now I can't make it work, I'm gutted cos he goes on holiday tomorrow and I bet I ain't going to get it sorted before he comes back.   But I can't fault the work he's done, it's all set up, I had a little play with it last night before going to bed - that's probably why I was late, here's his Facebook page  if you need security cameras and don't fancy climbing up a ladder yourself!

Right that's me I'm off, here's to a very great day, mid week already, where are these weeks going, they just fly, can you believe it's been 5 weeks since I joined a WW workshop as a member!

Catch ya tomorrow, focus on the good!

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