Saturday 1 June 2019

#JournalJune & a delicious desert

Saturday 1st June 2019
May the month ahead bring you love, happiness and sunshine.

Here's to making June as good as May was for me, what would you like to achieve this month?  Mmm I'm not going to choose a weight loss goal, although I'd like to be lighter at the end of the month than I was at the beginning so I suppose that is a weight loss goal.  

My non scales goal is going to be to make activity a habit, I've just done my morning plank and I will do my workout again either tomorrow or Monday probably Monday as I go walking tomorrow morning, but I love that I have the flexibility of when I want to do them and that I'm not tied to a class, yes I think this on demand option is going to work for me. ( £5 a month, special price for WW members)

Yesterday was a chilled day, started with a walk on the park with Alfie and Kell who I bumped into whilst out, we talked foxes (for a change lol) then on our return we went and investigated the empty house two doors down which I thought was where the other end of the fox tunnel might be and there is evidence of them going behind that shed too, plus we actually saw one run up the garden.  So yeah it's either another den or a tunnel to the same one.   They had Alfie going mental in the middle of the night with their antics, I didn't get up to watch, I was so tired, instead I grabbed Alfie and made him stay on my bed with me until he calmed down which he did eventually. 

Anyway, after my paperwork, I then went and enjoyed my massage before spending the rest of the day chilling with mom, oh and a second walk for Alfie, he made sure I hit my 10k steps yesterday, I had planned on walking to massage but it started to rain and I don't mind getting wet but I don't want to be soaked and have a massage then put wet clothes back on.

We had this for lunch, breakfast had just been a banana and a handful of wafer thin chicken, oh and a cheese square between 2 broghies.  Those microwave chips didn't taste like they used to, so not sure I'll buy them again, someones recommended a different brand so I've added them to my online basket.

I've been using my journal since May 13th and I really do think it's helping me to stay focused on how many points I use and watch my sleep and activity patterns.  This is something I'm going to continue to do #JournalJune.  I've gone over my weekly allowance every week but by recording my activity points, I'm working at earning more FitPoints than I eat, as of this morning, this week, I'm at -45 weeklies and I've earned 50 FitPoints, so I'm on course.  It's working as I've lost that 7.5lb in May, when it stops working, I change my plan.  Until then...

Well that's mom just woke up, so I'll get off, oh but first, quickly I want to show you my pudding I had last night, zero greek yogurt, raspberry coulis and a WW mint protein crunch bar chopped up.  Delicious and easy to make.  


    • 200g of raspberries
    • 1 tbsp of icing sugar (2 SP) 
    • Place the raspberries in a small pan with the icing sugar and heat for a few minutes until the raspberries collapse and release their juices.  Transfer to a bowl and blend briefly with a hand blender until the raspberries are puréed. Do not be tempted to over-blend the raspberries as this will break up the seeds and discolour the coulis. Pass through a fine sieve to remove the seeds and reserve in the fridge.
    One last thing, my brother is responding so well to treatment that they want him to have 4 more sessions, please if your a man or know any men, get them to get their prostrate checked.  The 3 hammers are doing free prostate cancer screening for men 45+ on Friday 14th June, 5.30-8.30, it's a simple blood test.  Could save a life!

    Here's to a fantastic June, lots of sunshine too hopefully. 

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