Thursday 13 June 2019

Hells in my house!

Thursday 13th June 2019
Little by little becomes a lot, don't measure your success using someone else's ruler.

Yay, my moms woke up in a bad mood again - ain't I lucky!  I spent an hour yesterday morning trying to get something done about her legs, she won't go to the doctors so I took photos over, now I've got to get her blood tests for SOB Oedema and ulcers - happy days, waiting for a phone call from a district nurse and I've got to dress it in the meantime - that's nice.  Oh good morning by the way ;)

Well once I'd finished running around, even though I didn't really want to go and get weighed as I still had to go to the supermarket, mom was being horrid and I knew I hadn't had the best week, I still went and I managed a maintain.  I'm so glad I wrote in my little red success booklet WHY I want to lose weight, it was a reminder not to waste the rest of June.  Yesterday food wise, I had a better day, I bought some low pointed food bargains from Sainsbury's to stock my kitchen up and I cooked some delicious food.

I had fish in batter (6SP), butternut squash chips, beans and peas for my dinner, mmm I enjoyed that so much, I'm loving fish in batter at the moment which is a new thing because I've never enjoyed the fish in batter from the chippy.

For my tea I made a concoction of everything that was left from the previous meals, so the day before I'd made these egg muffin things and I'd run out of eggs before filling up the last 5 muffins, so I put the ingredients in a tub (diced spring onions, onions, tomatoes, mushroom, halloumi (5SP), yellow pepper, parma ham (1SP)) then I had 50g tofu left from a recipe I'd been experimenting with that I diced up) and 2 thick bacon medallions (2SP) in the fridge, then the green beans and peas left from my lunch.  I stir fried all this together and added the half packet of rice (5SP) that I had in the fridge, then at the end stirred in 2 eggs to make it egg fried rice, it was lush, tasted just like something from a Chinese takeaway, and so filling that I was satisfied and didn't need anything else.  I didn't say I didn't have anything else, but I didn't need it!  I succumbed to a Belvita breakfast biscuit which set me back 2SP, then I had another - damn my moms miserable face and awkwardness added to that god awful rain for making me want to eat a bit of something nice, I guess 4 extra Smart Points on my day was better than drinking a bottle of wine which would've cost me 19SP, if you look at it like that, I saved loads of points ;)

The first words out of her mouth this morning after she'd bollocked Alfie for doing nothing, was 'Are you at work today?" and as innocent as that sentence reads, trust me it wasn't, it was said in a way that makes you want to jump through a window!  Trying to get the doctor to understand yesterday that you can't make her do anything she doesn't want to, I can't make her go to the doctors, was just a waste of time, he didn't get it, you can't talk rationally to someone who's mind isn't working rationally.  She goes from telling me how lucky she is to have me taking care of her to wishing she was dead and talking to me like... well let's not dwell on that, let's talk food it's so much more fun.

I have a very long day ahead and I need a plan!  I've put my 0% Greek yogurt and raspberries in a bowl downstairs to get to room temperature, I think I'm going to have a drizzle of honey on it, that'll make it nom nom, so worth those extra few points.

I have a Sainsbury's ready meal I could have for my tea tonight, just bang it in the microwave, I have 2 chicken breasts in the fridge that need using, so that might be lunch, I could use the new garlic and herb bag to cook that, oh no hold on, I have defrosted savoury mince from freezer I was going to put mash on the top of that.  I'll check the date on the chicken, maybe throw it in curry sauce with spinach then I'll have tomorrows meal sorted.

Here's to a day of not letting others behaviour destroy my inner peace, I will rise above it, take deep breathes and remember I can have a huge glass of red when I get home tonight.  Ain't I lucky that I get to spend the day with wonderful people who lift my spirits, plus I've just seen my lucky fox going home after a night out, he looked so wet and bedraggled, poor love.  I put out an extra tube of dog food for them last night as I know the lady across the road is away so she won't be feeding them this week - what we like!

Just in case you think yesterday was a bad day for me with mom, don't worry there were plenty of smile moments, I'm focusing on the good, ignoring the bad, because that's what's going to keep me sane.  What are you doing to get through the day?

Mwah, see ya, love ya, I just heard this on the radio, I liked it so I thought I'd share;

Don't put off till tomorrow what you can do today, because if you enjoy it today, you can do it again tomorrow!

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