Wednesday 15 May 2019

Weigh day - but they don't tell the whole story!

Wednesday 15th May
Smile: even on your bad days.  Patience: it will all work out.  Love: Just do the best you can.

Well it's weigh day and I've decided that as much as I want to lose weight, it's not the be all and end all, I feel 100% better in myself today than I did on May 1st, I also really, really, really like food and red wine, so I'm happy for the weight to come of slowly and for me to use some of my FitPoints each week.  It's not a sprint, it's a marathon.

My body isn't working in my favour this week, my digestive system isn't working as well as it usually would and Mother Nature called, there's no rhyme or reason to them these days, so yeah I'll take whatever the scales through at me because the other option is I sulk and well that's likely to lead me to thinking sod it which will then guarantee I don't lose weight next week!

I can tell my tummy gone down a bit, I'm not so bloated which is awesome, I don't have much in the boob department but I'm happier when they stick out further than my stomach.

Yesterdays workshops were really interesting, in one we talked about the importance of being honest on your tracker, that skimmed milk you put in a cuppa might only be a bit, but if you're having 4 or more cups a day, it adds up, I use 2SP worth of milk in a couple of mugs of tea a day!  I weigh absolutely everything on my WW scales that needs weighing and pointing, it takes seconds, so the parmesan cheese I had on my cauliflower yesterday, if I'd used my app and just chose 1 serving, I would have tracked 2SP but instead I weighed the block then reweighed it after I'd used what I wanted to use and I'd had 3SP worth, worth it though as the cauliflower on its own would've been bland, plus I'd saved those points by leaving some of my lunch which wasn't very nice at all.

 This was my evening meal and yeah I probably only needed 1 piece of salmon but hey, they're delicious, mom doesn't want to eat real food and I did without the rice or spuds, so it's all good.

This wasn't nice at all, for 9SP especially, I'd added cauliflower to bulk in out but the combination garlicky mushrooms with the other ingredients really didn't work for me so I left at least a third on the plate - check me out!

Another topic covered was when the scales aren't showing results, but if you're working out a lot, muscle takes up a lot less space, plus it burns up more calories over time, so if you're being active and enjoying it, don't let the scales upset your success, set other goals, none scales ones, measure yourself, step challenges, whatever will keep you motivated.  For me at the moment one of my none scale challenges is to get more active minutes on my Fitbit app, plus to get good sleep, which according to my app didn't happen last night, I had 6hrs 41m and 45 restless minutes or awake, that's the worst I've seen in the last two weeks, it'll be interesting to see if that affects my appetite today.

I had some basil in my kitchen yesterday and thought what can I do with it, so I googled basil recipes and found this one Basil Hummus I didn't add the pine nuts, but the entire thing was 3SP, I only used a can of chick peas, I added lots of roast garlic and the juice of half a lemon, I'm going to enjoy it on some broghies I reckon.  Although it'd make a great dip, it'd go nice with that 2 ingredient flatbread.

I'll be experimenting with hummus now I think, wonder what beetroot hummus would taste like, I have lots of it in the fridge as my beetroot risotto didn't work, the one I remember would've been full of cream and I can't make that low pointed.

As part of #MyMay today I shall have an hour to go to my workshop, it's making a massive difference for me knowing I'm going there.  I'm also going to pot up and plant the gorgeous purple and yellow daisy type flowers I bought yesterday to brighten up the back garden.   Weeding has hurt my back a little so I need to take it easy for the rest of the week, little bits at a time rather than going at it gung ho is the trick.

Right I'm off, here's to staying on track regardless of what the scales say, I feel good and that's what matters the most.

Have a very, great day BeYOUtiful. x

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