Friday 24 May 2019

I do love a Fish Finger sarnie!

Friday 24th May
Progress is impossible without change. 

Had me a lie in this morning because I sat in the kitchen watching the fox cubs destroy my garden last night, they're playing and thankfully there's only so much damage they can do.

My day was a good one, workshops were fab yesterday, lots of new faces and of course my BeYOUtiful regular ones, my Michelle got her 50lb and that smile was as wide as mine when I got my loss this week.

My food journal doesn't look too shabby either, breakfast was a delicious cheese and onion omelette, using 2SP of parmesan cheese, lush, 
I cooked the onions before hand whilst I was cooking my chicken sausages (3SP) which I snacked on throughout the morning to keep me from munching on the wrong things.
by the time it came to lunchtime, I wasn't hungry so ended up having fruit and yogurt, then about half 6 at work on the night my belly started rumbling so I had a WW protein bar and apparently they do work, my belly stopped rumbling and I was okay until I made my tea when I got home which was the most delicious posh fish finger bap (Instructions at the bottom of the page).

Staying up late meant I drank an extra glass of wine, then I found the last packet of walkers cheese and onion crisps so that was 4SP I hadn't planned on having.  I'm still tracking though and on it, ready to survive the Bank Holiday weekend, I'm going to do some more cooking, I find I enjoy it and stay on track more if I make food I really enjoy, but uncomplicated, delicious food is key.

Well Alfie's giving me the daggers, he's begging for his walk so I'm going to go hopefully earn me some FitPoints, yeah he's jumping up me now so catch ya tomorrow, have a very, great day, the suns still shining which is always a bonus.

Posh fish finger bap 6SP

Put breadcrumbs in a bowl, I weight them before and after so I know exactly how much I've used to point, used 1SP of breadcrumbs on each piece of salmon. 
1 egg whisked in a second bowl.
You can use any fish to make this, I just happen to have lots of frozen whoopsie salmon in my freezer.

Put on baking tray and cook for 25 mins on 180 degrees/ gas mark 6

These are delicious and they are large like it states on the packet, had them from Sainsbury's 

These are the same points as Dairylea light but I prefer the Dairylea ones for 30p extra but to be honest neither are a patch the full fat ones I had for Lidl's for 2SP, must look to see if they do a light version and taste if its any better, sometimes it's worth the extra point! 
Pop cooked salmon on the bap and enjoy with salad or maybe some butternut squash fries.
 I added roast courgette for zero and olives for 1sp.

 So tasty and well worth cooking 

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