Sunday 19 May 2019

Enjoy your Sunday

Sunday 19th May 2019
Life is better when you cry a little, laugh a lot and are thankful for everything you've got.

So my new favourite way to enjoy a bit of me time is to sit on the grass with Alfie while he watches the world go by.  We did it for half hour yesterday afternoon and about 10 minutes on the morning, in the past when he's sat down, I've told him if he wants to lie about he can do that at home but now I realise if he does that at home he can't see so much and it's great for me because it gives me a break from mom who was being a miserable sod when we went out on the afternoon but had improved when we returned.  

He loves it look 

So yes if it's dry and she's got one on her, I'm all for going at sitting on the grass somewhere, even if we do get strange looks because yesterday it was in the middle of the estate at the end of a street - do we care - hell no we don't!  Plus we had already done our walk so hit my active minutes quota for the day, I aim for 60 minutes that's my goal, 

This is my new favourite ready meal, 11SP for the masala, 5SP for the micro rice. Ive always loved their chicken tikka masala but this saves 5SP which covers the rice. 
I added a cheese slice to my omelette on the morning and it was worth the 2 points to make it absolutely delicious, I've since been told you can get the light ones for 1SP so I'll keep my eye out for them and compare to see if they're as good.

I'm over on my points this week but I'm still tracking and hoping to earn a huge chunk this morning with a good walk with my brother.  I'm sure the weather affects my eating habits, I eat and behave much better in every aspect when the sun shines.  

Oh we've talked about having a growth v fixed mindset in my workshops this week, these were the 12 proven ways to master a growth mindset that I said I'd share, I had them from another website but I can't find it now so can't give the credit to wherever I had it from. 
  1. View challenges as opportunities
    we are constantly faced with important decisions, the more we challenge ourselves the more opportunities we have to improve ourselves. So to develop that growth mindset look for ways to challenge yourself and learn new things. 
  2. Prioritize learning over seeking approval. When your more concerned about other peoples approval you miss out on many opportunities, so stop worrying about what other people think. Instead focus on bettering yourself for your own benefits. 
  3. Focus on the process instead of the end result. People with a growth mindset have a willingness to learn, that's why it's important to enjoy the learning process. Yes its important to have goals but one of the keys to success is to learn valuable lessons along the way as you deal with unexpected challenges.
  4. Cultivate a sense of purpose. Keep the end goal in mind and always look at the big picture, ask yourself the following on a regular basis. Is what you're currently working on part of a major life goal, if you frequently say no to this question then take time to reevaluate your priorities 
  5. choose learning well over learning fast. Learning isn't something that can be rushed, you should be willing to make mistakes and experience challenges 
  6. making mistakes doesn't mean you're a failure. You're not a failure if you need to improve on something, in fact making a mistake simply means you are on the right track. You're just not there yet. So in the words of thomas edison, never get discouraged if you fail, learn from it, keep trying. 
  7. Learn from the mistakes of others. You shouldn't compare yourself to other people but when you see someone else make a mistake, keep it in mind for the future when you are in a similar situation. 
  8. Learn to receive constructive criticism. This of it as feedback, use it as a sign that you should work on that area of your life, don't take it personally. Often these people are trying to help you so think of criticism as a way to learn and grow as a person. 
  9. Cultivate GRIT. Grit is a perseverance and passion for long term goals. You can break this concept into two components. First the ability to stick to long term goals and second the ability to keep going despite adversity. 
  10. Set a new goal for every milestone you achieve. Success is an ongoing process, growth minded people are constantly setting new goals so they can stay motivated in their professional and personal projects. Personal growth is never finished, as there is always another goal to reach or another interesting project to tackle.
  11. Remember that it takes time to succeed in anything. Nothing worth doing comes quickly and easily. You have to be realistic about the time it takes to learn new information. Implement it and figure out what actually works. So bottom line if you'd like to truly master something in your life. Be prepared to work at it for a long time. 
  12. Reflect on your learning every day. Make sure to absorb everything you learn throughout the day, whether this means writing down the main points at the end of the day or doing a little bit more research on a top that help your interest. 

Right that's me done, I'm off to have a very great day, mmm and I'm thinking cooked dinner today possibly with meat, veg and gravy, we'll see how I feel later but I need to do some thinking about planning before eating! 

Enjoy your Sunday, I plan to enjoy mine. 

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