Wednesday 20 March 2019

What ya thinking - is it helping?

Wednesday 20th March 2019
You never know what you've got till it's gone, like toilet paper for instance!

I woke silly early this morning after an unsettled night thanks to Alfie, mom and foxes, as I lay there, I thought about my blog and what I'd write and realised my life is rather repetitive and people are probably bored with reading about it.  The truth is most peoples lives are repetitive, the trick is to ensure you enjoy the things you repeat day in, day out.  I mostly do, at the moment I could happily sit for days on end with a crochet hook in my hand, sadly that wouldn't pay the bills, but I'm lucky that the job I do I also enjoy, it gets me out of the house too and ensures I have some kind of socialising! 

There were a few tears yesterday afternoon but I knew it was hormonal and I was proved correct when I got home and my wonderful monthlies began, exactly 4 weeks since the last one began, I thought I was heading towards them ending, I'd gone over 3 months over winter, I was ready to grow the beard, have my voice drop and turn into a man, it's got to be better than all the damn side effects that I get at the moment! 

I need to behave like a teenager today and tidy my room, there are more clothes on the floor. that their  are in the wardrobe, getting into bed is like an assault course, I'm going to break something.  As much as I keep ignoring it, I really need to get a grip, Spring Cleaning and all that, it's got to be done.

I loved yesterdays workshops, we're looking at out thinking and how it affects our behaviour and results.  We agreed that whatever the problem, food wasn't going to be the answer.   If we have a problem, looking for solutions is going to help more!  The thing is when life's easy, weight loss is easier, when life is hard, we tend to struggle.  I know now all problems are solvable, hell I'm living with mom's Alzheimers, it's not going to go away but I can choose how I react, I can either see it as the worst thing to ever happen and feel sorry for both of us every day or I can make the best of a bad situation.  Some days are really difficult but my attitude to it makes a massive difference, of course hormones don't help but what does help is me thinking to myself, 'I feel like this because I'm hormonal, these feelings won't last, I was okay last week and I'll be okay again next week'.  That's way better than allowing myself to wallow and spiral down into a black hole.

Is it easy - is it hell!  

Two of my members recently took control and handed their notice in as they worked out that was the main cause of their unhappiness.  I'm aware not everyone can do that but if you have an issue you can make changes, if it's your job - find another, if it's your partner - lol find another, not really, well maybe, I don't know your issues, hell I'm single for a reason!

Just remember you're in control of your life and the direction it goes in.  I love my boring little world, well I don't actually think it's boring, I take great pleasure in doing the things I do.

I don't enjoy all aspects of course, I particularly don't like sitting here with violent stomach cramps but yay that's part of the joy of being female apparently, aren't we blessed, I'm thinking a nice hot bath as I'm up ridiculously early I have a spare hour.

Catch ya tomorrow, I'm off for a soak.

Stay BeYOUtiful!   


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