Wednesday 13 March 2019

What kind of online world do you live in?

Wednesday 13th March 2019
At the end of the day we can endure much more than we think we can.

The bullshit bubble, that's what I've called Facebook in the past when people comment on how everyone makes out their life is wonderful and it's all good.  The truth is though, why would anyone want to post the boring, mundane crap on there, no one wants to read that stuff.  In a years time or 5 years when your memories come up on your timeline what do you want to recall, the fun moments or that day it all went horribly wrong.  So, hell, let's embrace the bullshit bubble I say because trust me - you do not want to know about some of the side effects of Alzheimers and Vascular Dementia - you really don't!

Plus I've found the last month that focusing on the good stuff helps me to either forget the bad stuff or realise it's not all that's happening in my world.  Yeah the weather yesterday was horrendous, those rain storms oh my, but the upside, we unloaded and loaded the car is merely a drizzle and I even got to walk Alfie in-between the downpours.

Yeah I'm all for living in a bullshit bubble and ignoring all the true crap - how about you?

Loved my workshops yesterday, gave me lots of meal ideas, I really need to nip over the shop this morning and get me a chicken, I want a winner, winner chicken dinner - I really do.  I enjoyed salmon yesterday, topped in with some chorizo, olives, veggies and a bit of protein cheese was delicious.  

Okay so I just spilt tea all over my desk, it slipped out of my hand, made a right mess, soaked me through, luckily didn't damage the computer - that's not very 'bullshit bubble' is it and it ain't made you smile has it, so why would I share that all over Facebook.  I like to make people smile, make their day better and that's why I'm going to continue living online in a BB world. 

Not got much to say today so I'll get myself gone, need to go to shop, walk dog and I'm looking for a new crochet project to sink my teeth into, I have a couple on the go at the moment but I think I want another challenge to work on weekly before wine ;) 

Have you got your meals planned today, I know my main meal - chicken dinner, not sure of breakfast yet, had overnight oats yesterday - wasn't impressed, might eat some of those mini frittatas I made. 

Here's to a very, great day, you're more than welcome to live in my bullshit bubble world with me! 

Stay BeYOUtiful!   


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