Monday 11 March 2019

Ready for your week?

Monday 11th March 2019
Flowers need time to bloom, so do you.

Yesterday was a challenge of those choices!  After not going on a walk with my brother, I did manage to walk Alfie twice but boy was it vile out, the first one was in the rain and the second looked sunny but ma'am was it windy.  

The rest of the day went like this, we watched 'the voice' I really like that, then 'Jonathon Ross' which was good too, then I had to endure, one episode of 'Law & Order' after another, half of which I've seen before.  What makes watching them like that worse, well listening to your mom still up for the criminals because she doesn't quite appreciate what's going on and thinks the policemen are picking on them!  Deep sigh, I can smile about it now but it was testing me at the time, thank goodness for my crochet so I can almost zone out, although I need a good new project to get my teeth into, I've started a couple of things but they haven't done it for me so I'm still looking. 

Now I'm not fussed about not having dessert, I'm more a red wine kind of woman, I don't know if you knew that, it's not common knowledge!  Anyway this came up on my Pinterest board this morning and I thought some of you may be interested, Here's the link and it's American so they have products we don't but I've found the  instant sugar free/fat free cheesecake pudding flavour ingredient on a UK website, not cheap but it depends how important pudding is to you.

Anyway check me out, I woke just before 5 and lay there thinking how much I'd missed my walk yesterday, then thought I could go for a local long walk on my own this morning, but then I remembered how I keep saying I'll have a good tidy though, spring clean almost and guess what I've already done before 6am, I've tidied, swept and tidied the living room and hall, I've just got to mop and polish and you know what - that's done me as much good as a walk would've done because I'll enjoy sitting in that room later.  When I've finished doing this blog, I'm going to move to the wet room, then do moms bedroom when she gets up, yep today I plan to be productive!  Think of the FitPoints I'll earn.  

I really need to sort the kitchen cupboards, I had a delivery yesterday and I was such a lazy cow, I only put away the food that needed refrigerating - yep that's the kinda girl I am, proper lazy at times, but I'm energised again this morning, not enough to tackle the office but that's what the doors for - to close behind the mess!

I seriously need to find something to watch that she likes too, or I think I'm going to go a little more crazy than I already am, or maybe I just put my earphone in my right ear and listen to music or my audio book whilst she's got these programmes on when she's in that 'save the crook' mood ;) 

Right here's to making my house look like someone cares about it, bring on Monday I say, how about you - you ready for the week ahead? 

Stay BeYOUtiful!   



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