Sunday 3 February 2019

Sunday Self Care

Sunday 3rd February 2019
Quite trying to please everyone!

Sunday morning and awake at 5am, you couldn't make it up could you.  I feel like I've been in bed ages though so that's a good thing.  First pint of water drank already though, self care started for the day.  I didn't get home till gone 5 last night and I was tired, I didn't even bother with warming up my stew, I grabbed a thin and put some cooked meat in it, that did me.   My brother had been here keeping mom company and when he went, it all went downhill, I think he'd overstimulated her and with the highs, follow the lows, what actually happened you don't really need to know so we'll skip over last night.  The area meeting was good, it's not how I want to usually spend a Saturday afternoon after a busy long week but I did have a giggle with the girls on my table, it's good to catch up with them.

Today is all about self care and taking care of me, I'm thinking a good meal, still have my stew, probably having that for breakfast if it hasn't gone off, which it shouldn't have.  Maybe do a bit of tidying up and I mean a bit!  Possibly a cooking session after a good dog walk, but maybe not, maybe I'll just walk Alfie then sit on my behind all day with my crochet and tele.

Actually yeah I will cook, I had the £35 deal from Penn Road butchers, I managed to get the beef and mince in freezer but I have the bacon and chicken in fridge, I'm going to make a batch of grey peas with the bacon, not sure what I'll do with the chicken yet.

Thinking about the Self Care focus for this morning, one thing we all need to do is to be gentle and patient with ourselves.  We talked about our wellbeing at our area meeting yesterday and we were asked what could our manager do to help us but also what could we do for ourselves.  I was glad to realise I was already doing some of the things I'd said I would do this time last year.  One being get some balance between work and home life, I only do my 36 hours a week now and try to ensure I take an hour in the afternoon and spend it with mom in-between workshops.  It didn't happen overnight, but I got there.

I'm going to approach my healthy eating and weight loss in the same way by being gentle and patient with myself, I'm not going to beat myself up when I make a mistake, I'm not going to expect myself to be perfect from day 1.   I'm going to take it one meal at a time.  I've noticed a lot of people have struggled the last couple of weeks even though they found the start of the month easy, it's called life, or winter!  Things happen, our emotions change and we do what we can to make better choices.

So my Self Care for Sunday is going for a walk, taking a bath, eating a good meal and chilling.

What are you gonna do to take care of you?  Want some ideas?

Read a book (I'm listening to mine whilst walking Alfie)
take a nap
go visit your friends
meditate (use the WW app)
Listen to some music
Watch a movie
Have some fun with your kids
Get active
Declutter.  honestly it feels great when it's all gone
Call a friend and have a good natter
Sit and make a meal plan
Turn your phone off (I never do this, but you know what I might do it later!)

Let me know what you're going to do, let's all take care of us.

Right I'm now at the bottom of my second pint of water, I've had a  messenger chat with my bestie, it's her birthday today, she's gone back to bed, I'm going to make a mug of tea and I'm going to enjoy ten minutes of silence hopefully before mom wakes.

Enjoy your Sunday.

Stay BeYOUtiful.


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