Friday 22 February 2019

Do you want to regret not starting?

Friday 22nd February 2018
Slow progress is better than no progress

30 Days from now you can either be blown away by how much you've improved in how you look, feel and behave or you can regret not having done your best - the choice is yours!  If you're really serious about losing weight you need to be completely honest with yourself about what you're eating! 
And drinking of course!

Make today the day you decide to make it through the weekend, not to use Friday as a sod it day, make this 7 days of February count, then decide to step up in March.  It was such a sunny, lovely day here yesterday, it really was, 15.5 degrees when I got in the car, in February. that's not the norm.  It was a good reminder that I wanna do this, I may have only lost a few pounds this year but I've lost them and I'm ready to lose a few more.  Will it be easy - NO, worth it - MOST DEFINITELY!

I've been looking through the WW mag and Freestyle cookbook for recipes and have chosen a few, I fancy the chicken cacciatore from the cook book, never cooked on of those so just need to order the ingredients.  I fancy the pizza and lemon turkey from the magazine, have already added those recipes to my shopping basket, need to pick a delivery day.  I have enough food in fridge for today so I may have them delivered tomorrow or even Sunday depending on availability.  Ooo check me out, planning meals, see it's not so difficult, you've just got to want to do it and that might involve battling with a few inner demons and having a few internal arguments but it can be done.

I've got me some 0% Greek yogurt, the Total one is more expensive but it is nicer I think, it was on offer in the shop, I'm going to have it for breakfast with fruit to ensure I get some fruit each day. 

There was a bit of a theme to my meals yesterday, I had lentils for breakfast with a Sainsbury's flat bread. 

mild chicken curry for lunch 

Then Harj's chick pea curry for tea 

They were all delicious, they all used Harj's base and they all filled me up and took my mind off food for the in-between hours. 

Add to that a busy day of workshops where members were wonderful as always and the day flew by, I did have to waste an hour trying to sort mom's prescription but I've realised not discussing the not so good stuff at home is helping, why live through it twice, I'd rather focus on other stuff.  I'm loving my time to reflect book that Tina bought me, filling it in every day with 3 things I'm thankful for or enjoyed, memories worth remembers or it says which I like just gentle reminders to yourself.  It really helps to focus on the positives.

Well I better get moving, I know I don't have to go to work today, but I have work to do, a dog to walk and not forgetting a massage to enjoy, that'll go on my 3 things for sure. 

Right I'm off, I'm just having an online chat with my bro, he started his chemo yesterday, another reminder to enjoy every day peeps.

Have a very, great day, 

Stay BeYOUtiful!   



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