Monday 11 February 2019

Chipping away at those scales

Monday 11th February 2019
change is hard at first, messy in the middle and gorgeous at the end.

Well I'm a pound lighter this morning than I was last week, so thankfully somethings working!  As long as I'm chipping away at it a bit at a time I'm happy, if I can be a stone lighter for summer, I'll be over the moon.  Not shopping is going to help me with that this week, taking the emphasis of food.  Today I'll mostly be eating grey peas, I've got a huge pan full, will try to get a couple of portions in my already full freezer, I'll take something out ready to cook tomorrow and swap them round.  Now the peas are zero but the bacon isn't - the entire pan is 66SP, as I say it's a huge pan, but I'm going to portion it all up and then I will know exactly how many points in each portion.

My dinner yesterday was so good, my sister did braising steak, onions and gravy, 

Check out that Yorkshire pudding!  Not gonna lie, I ate the Yorkshire the minute it arrived and the rest of the dinner I reheated on the afternoon, it was my lunch/dinner and filled me up for the day.  I did guesstimate the meal at 19SP, it's better than not tracking it at all.  

I spent a lot of time on the phone yesterday so today I shall mostly be paying attention to my mom!  I think maybe a tipping point marathon, we seem to be running out of stuff to watch but I'll sure we'll find something. Sky, Netflix and Amazon Prime - how can you still not find anything to watch, yeah we're limited with her attention span and understanding but still.

I'm hoping the biggest decision I have to make today other than what to watch is what colour to use on my next crochet project as I finished a baby blanket yesterday, I've got some wool left so I think I might do a couple of baby blankets for the prem babies at New Cross, we'll see.

Anyway, I'm gonna enjoy an hour of quiet hopefully, it didn't happen yesterday, she woke the minute I stopped typing. 

Fruit and yogurt for breakfast, get some of those oranges eaten I bought, here's to a very, healthy week - NO EXCUSES!  You with me? 

 Stay BeYOUtiful!   



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