Tuesday 8 January 2019

Lost weight - hell yeah I did!

Tuesday 8th January 2019
Believe in yourself so strongly that the world can't help but believe in you too.

My brother posted this old photo on Facebook yesterday morning 
Yep that's me, damn I was cute wasn't I, I don't know how old I was there but I'm guessing it was after my accident where I fell out the bedroom window (as you do!) That day changed my life, see that's the thing with life, one moment can change everything which is why we should embrace every day we have and get as much out of life as we can. 

Oh of course we're not interested in that, we want to know what being on plan for a full 7 days has done for me, well drum roll please, I have lost a fantastic 6.5lb and my weight has gone from 13st 4lb to 12st 11.5lb, to say I'm pleased is an understatement.  That's all but 1/2lb of my Christmas gain gone, but to be fair it's all of it because before Christmas out of desperation I was weighing naked in my bedroom, they won't let you do that in a workshop so I've started to put clothing back on for weighing!

See it does pay off to track 100%, I ended my week on minus 15, but I did earn a fab 81 FitPoints, did 72,661 steps and 254 active minutes.  Yesterday's WW App walk was 45+ minutes because once I'd taken Alfie, I went on the same route again looking for my glove that I'd dropped.  The walking on the spot thing that I'm doing when Alfie stops to sniff, well my FitBit yesterday thought I was on an Elliptical trainer according to my WW app, how good is that.  

This was what yesterday looked like in food.
This 1SP breakfast become a wrap once I'd taken the photo.  I do love mushrooms and peppers dry fried.  The wrap is a Lo-dough.

I wanted a cooked dinner but didn't want to spend too many points, so had microwaved swede instead of mash potato, it worked.  Bit of mint sauce on top and gravy and you barely notice.

I put a bit of vinegar on a tin of tuna and made a delicious sandwich, the coleslaw had a hot taste to it for some reason, I think something has happened from the salad cream and yogurt sitting in the fridge together with the onion so I didn't eat it, in future I'll only make what I need for the meal I'm eating.

I normally struggle to stay focussed on weight loss in January as it's my busy time at work, I usually think I'll start after my birthday but not this year, 2019 for me is the year of being more than a carer.  

Mom and I had a lovely afternoon of watching Rambo films, she got very angry on his behalf in the first one, then I just kept downloading them, I had to pay for the last two but it was worth it to keep her entertained.  I've read there's a fifth coming out this year, I will definitely want to see that, love a bit of Stallone. 

I went to a carers coffee morning at the Lighthouse Cinema and Coffee Shop yesterday morning, it was interesting, made me realise how brilliant WW workshops are if I'm honest, because at a WW workshop, friends are made, like meets like and as well as getting support with weight loss and wellness goals, connections are made before the main discussions start and there's a lot of catching up and chatting done which is about everything not just one specific subject.  I know I've weighed myself this morning but I am going to a workshop, I just wanted that exact number for a week, plus I have the real scales, perk of the job! 

The lighthouse cinema is a great place to go watch a movie by the way, check it out, yesterday morning they had a showing for moms and babies, where you could take your little ones in and no one moaned if they cried - what a fab idea.  They say once you've watched a film there, you will definitely go back, find out more at https://www.facebook.com/lighthousemediacentre/ 
If you are interested in the Carers coffee morning, the next one is February 11th at 10am.

Anyway, I'm ready for a new working week, truly motivated to continue on my WW weight loss journey, now I'm in the 12s, I'm aiming for the 11s by summer.  My goal for this week, 1/2lb to get that first half stone, I want my milestone.  

Experimenting in the kitchen today I think, I'm going to make a salmon and spinach pie of some sort with WW Hollandaise sauce, nom nom, it'll cost a few Smart Points but it'll be worth it.  

Look forward to seeing some of you later, if you're thinking of coming back this week, here are all my workshops;

Here's to a very, great day for all of us.

Let's do this BeYOUtiful!  

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