Wednesday 5 December 2018

Whoop Whoop! I lost!

5th December 2018
A can do attitude is all one needs, it acts like a bridge between success and failure.

Yesterday was not only my weigh in, it was also my anniversary for working for WW, yeah 14 years as a leader/coach/wellness coach supporting members on their journey.  Yesterday was no different, a brilliant day of workshops, lots of members, lots of success including mine, 3lb lost, happy with that. 

Hand on heart the only thing I didn't track last week was the milk in my tea and coffee, I have however cut down on hot drinks and upped the water but I ended with 2 weeklies spare and all those FitPoints so that would've covered the skimmed milk in my drinks.

Another day in the bag yesterday, ended on 27SP and indulged in a packet of Ringo's cheese and onion, so good, really need to get me some more of them, mom likes them too so bonus. I had a simple, plain omelette for breakfast, a 4SP chicken breast sausage and egg for lunch, forgot how good Penn Road sausages can be, might have the others with veggies, mash and onion gravy later in the week. For tea I had a 9SP chicken dinner, loving carrots and cabbage at the moment, it really is the weather for mash and gravy.  

What made my anniversary super good yesterday was those members who'd been struggling but after last weeks workshop had been motivated like myself to get that 'Can Do' attitude, it really has made all the difference. Nothings changed in my life, the same for them, the only thing that changed was our decision to do it.  

It's madness that getting on track with my eating is affecting other areas of my life, I've also developed a be bothered attitude, so yesterday I got the iron out instead of thinking 'oh I just won't wear that, it's too much hassle', I did over 12,000 steps yesterday and 80 active minutes according to my FitBit, I am making the effort to be that bit more active and it does make a difference knowing that I'm achieving these numbers. 

This morning, I'm going to earn a few points by giving the downstairs a good clean, Monday I did moms bed, can only handle one in any given day, breaks my back. But I have to say my pains eased too, the pain I'd had for weeks in my knee hasn't bothered me this week, the sciatica I was suffering last week has gone, proving stress does contribute massively to mine. I still have aches and pains but they are not on the level they have been and still heartburn free!

Hearing all my members success in the workshop and seeing them post in our Facebook group is wonderful, especially at this time of year. Also hearing members say they are still going to enjoy their celebrations and be good in-between, there are lots of nights out, Christmas markets, kids parties and get togethers to be enjoyed and they are going to do just that. Some that did that this past week either maintained or even got a little loss! Those that didn't were still smiling and ready to do what they can, when they can.

Mom's moving about, I've not had a great nights sleep, work at 3 and couldn't go back to sleep, think I managed to snooze for half hour after being awake for an hour, but I don't feel tired so it's all good, but I do need to heating turning up and the kettle on, so here's to another very, great day, I'm in - are you?

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