Monday 31 December 2018

It's all about the WHY!

Monday 31st December 2018
The good news is you are always capable of change as soon as you discover your why!

Yesterday morning as I started to walk Alfie, I opened my WW app and found the new 'Get Active with WW x Aaptiv' and decided I'd give the basic walking workout a go, especially after we'd discussed in my workshop finding an activity that not only fit in with your life but that you enjoyed.  Its a 28 minute walking workout that a focuses on your breath and technique at a comfortable pace.  Well of course Alfie doesn't walk consistently, he stops to sniff and pee (A LOT!) my solution to that - walk on the spot - who cares what I look like, if I continue to do it regularly I'll look equally as silly walking on the spot in the middle of my estate but I'll be a lot slimmer!  I really enjoyed it, he took me back home half way through so I let him in the house and I walked off on my own.  There's always a way if you want to find it.  And the quote at the top of today's blog was taken from that workout, the lady said it about half way through and I had to make a note of it because it's true.  Find your why and you will find your how too. When I'd finished I did feel good for having done it, I plan to do the same on the 4 days of the week I don't have to get up and go to work at 7.30am.  5k steps on my Fitbit by 9am and 42 active minutes, my WW app was telling me the steps on my Fitbit had earned me 1SP from the steps and 9SP from the 39 minute walk - I walked longer than the routine as I had to get papers after I'd finished.  10SP earned just like that!

Now I was looking forward to getting my home back to it's quietness so I spent the day chilling as best as I could, and of course in true NEW YEAR tradition, I thought about starting a new WW Journal but I think I'm going to use my app to the best of its ability and I might actually sit at night with my Journal and reflect on the day copy the meals into it so I have meal ideas for the future when I get stuck.  But not until our visitors have departed, so yep it will be January 1st when I properly get back on track.  

Had me a couple of hours whilst Terry and Alexis were out shopping yesterday and watched The Avengers, Infinity War, loved it but wasn't impressed with the ending and knowing I've got wait for the next film to see what happens next! 

I'm thinking another quiet day today, will fit in another walk though and I've just started my supermarket shop online so that it's all healthy in my house this coming week.  Anything truly unhealthy that hasn't been eaten by the time they leave to day that has a decent use by on is going in the food bank!  I didn't eat pudding before Christmas and I'm not starting now. 

Just spent an hour looking at work stuff, that's the beauty of waking up at 4am you can work before everyone else wakes up, I'm looking forward to getting on track with my members and all of us continuing our journey's in January.  I've noticed in my group some have already started, I've also had lots of messages from people interested in joining.  If you know anyone there's a great 50% off on the website for 'digital and studio' which means the app and meetings, if you also send them a 'share the love' link from you're phone you'll both receive a free month if they use that link to sign up with, plus they'll get the offer online too.  

Here's to a very great last day of 2018 and looking forward to a spectacular 2019.  Can I add, I won't be giving anything up in the new year, oh actually yes I will, I'll be giving up neglecting myself and my own needs.  2019 is all about getting back to taking care of myself, last year was about getting the balance back with work and life and I've done that, so now to spend time taking care of everybody in this household including me!  What would you like to achieve in 2019?  

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