Saturday 15 December 2018

humbled by peoples generosity

15th December 2018
Look around, all that clutter used to be money!

Well I wasn't as indulgent as I expected myself to be, the lid is still on the baileys, although I did have a glass of advocaat, plus a chip butty (oven chips not chip shop so that saved me lots of points!), had a cheese and onion sarnie for tea, skipped breakfast, then had 4 ryvita with spread, I've resisted opening that packet for months because I struggle to not work my way through the pack, sad I know.

And now it's the weekend, but there is one more before Christmas, I'm putting off going to the supermarket or doing an online shop because I know I'll spend money on stuff I probably don't need.  There's faggots in my freezer, might cook them this weekend and salvage the last few spuds before they grow legs and walk away, can have them mashed with some frozen peas, proper food on a day like this.  I need eggs though, completely out of them!  How can I live in a house with no eggs.

It's damn cold this morning, waiting for the central heating to kick in, as much as I love my job and my members, I'm looking forward to it being this time next week and doing my last workshop before Christmas, 12 workshops left to go before I can have a week off and a total rest. 

We had a lovely chilled out day yesterday, although I was made to watch one too many murder / crime / violent programmes for my liking, oh she loves them all CSI, NCIS, SVU, Criminal Minds, no wonder I like my crochet it distracts my brain, plus I've got me a new easy project that I can really do without thinking.  I needed a few days away from the complicated one I'm doing, it might be put away till the new year now, might spend a few hours on it tomorrow, but then that'll be all the thinking I want to do.  Although I've just realised I could probably finish the actual crochet work on it tomorrow, then it's just the dull bit of putting it all together.

Anyway, as I've not really got anything to say, I'm going to share a mug cake recipe with your that I've just spotted in another FB group, just because I loved her camera work; 

I've never made one, puddings aren't my thing, but for 1SP, WOW, worth a try if you have a sweet tooth.

I'll leave you there, I'm going to brave the shower, the house is warming up nicely, maybe a mug of tea first then shower. 

Enjoy your Saturday, can you believe we're only ten days away from Christmas Day, no nor me, I've barely done a thing, got half dozen silly gifts for mom and that's all I've done this year, given my money to the food bank and we're getting so close to that £2k, only £148 of smashing that total.  I am seriously surrounded by the most amazingly, generous people, even my hairdresser gave me a tenner yesterday and my American friend PayPal'd me £20, so that actually means we're only £118 away from that total, I have a feeling if I opened the charity tubs this morning we might be under the last hundred, that makes me super happy especially as I had another email from the yesterday confirming our 4th donation of food totals, 

another 494 meals, totalling 2,565 meals donated 
1,281.7kg total of food
97.7kg of none food.

Just incredible, thank you all for your kind generosity, I'm so grateful.

If you've yet to do it, or have another quid. xx 

Simply text: WWDD66 followed by the amount to 70070

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