Saturday 1 December 2018

Heartburn free!

1st December 2018
Keep going because you did not come this far, just to come this far.

Well another day in the bag, 4 blue dots on my app, 41 weekly remaining points and 38 FitPoints earned and I have to admit wearing the Fitbit did motivate me to walk that bit further yesterday to hit my 10,000 steps, Alfie got a second walk I may not have gone for because of a little plastic device on my wrist reminding me I want to lose weight and get my healthy back!

And one of the best things that’s happened since I got back on track is no heartburn, nope none and I was having it most days, Rennie's had started to become an after dinner mint, so that's just brilliant.

I kept yesterday all about the zero hero's because I wanted wine for dinner, wishing this morning I'd had a little less wine because I've got a bit of a thick head despite being in bed well before 8pm, won't do that again on a Friday afternoon (I prob will but hopefully not till Christmas).  

Butternut squash roasted in chunks, they're definitely an excellent replacement for potatoes (you were right Dave!) now I understand why he eats them so often.I had them with salmon, mushrooms and courgette and enjoyed it immensely.

What made my day yesterday was filling yet another van full of food for the food bank and taking our cash donation total over £1,500!  Just incredible really is and with today being the 1st of December, the start of advent, what about doing a reverse advent calendar, we all know how the traditional advent calendars work but what about a reverse advent calendar? The idea of a reverse advent calendar is that instead of opening a door each day to reveal a chocolate or treat you add an item to a box or basket ready to donate. By the end of the month you should have accumulated 24 items. This can include anything from food items to toiletries.

Now I know most of you won't have the time to get to a food bank on Christmas Eve but that's where I come in, they don't need it Christmas Eve, they'll need the donations after Christmas, January is one of their busiest times and one where people stop being so generous as their Christmas spirit has evaporated, imagine how thrilled they'd be if I rock up with another van full of food and toiletries.  If it'll be in your way, I'm happy to take it off your hands any time, heck go buy 24 things (they don't all have to be expensive) and pop em in a box and get them to me either via my meeting or drop them at my house (message me for address).  It doesn't even have to be 24 things, it can be whatever you can afford.  Can't be doing with all that, donate via your phone Simply text: WWDD66 followed by the amount to 70070 or at the website
Let's eat a little less in this run up to Christmas and give that food to the food bank  maybe we'll get a weight loss as our reward.  I probably ate a couple of quid less than I normally would on a Friday yesterday, if you add up the price of a bag of crisps, a bar of chocolate and a can of pop, you've got £2 easy!  I could feed a family of four with that using canned food.




I'll leave you with that thought, I'm going to make it through the weekend on track and feeling in control and positive like I do this morning, heartburn free and focused.  All these things will remind me of my WHY!  

Have a great day BeYOUtiful.

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