Tuesday 6 November 2018

Why, why, why....

6th November 2018
So much in life depends on our attitude.

I had a good day yesterday, spent it with colleagues at training, learning how to be better at being a  Wellness Coach and all the things that are happening in our WW world, it was excellent and I’m looking forward to the future.

What’s your WHY?

This is a question that I’ve struggled with for a long time with Weight Watchers since my circumstances changed and I got older and other things that happened since the last time I joined in 2004. What are your reasons for wanting to lose weight?  That was really the question we were answering when we thought about our WHY.

Now Weight Watchers has been reimagined and we’re WW, the question has changed because when I’m asked ‘What’s your WHY?’ I’m thinking about my Wellness journey and not just my weight, so automatically I feel better because if I’m stepping on the scales week in week out and maintaining it’s okay, if I don’t want to step on the scales at all, that’s okay too.

Thinking about why did I join WW now as a 48 year old woman, who works full time and cares for her mom with Alzheimer’s and Vascular Dementia, my WHY is completely difference and thankfully WW have changed to accommodate that.

To feel enthusiastic about life again.  To be at my best.

It really is that simple, well I say simple, the statement is simple, the getting there, then staying there, well that’s not so simple.

Someone said to me yesterday when we were talking weight loss, “I lost a stone in 6 weeks in the summer and then I regained it in 2, I wish I could just balance it out”.  My response was life isn’t balanced is it and our weight and eating habits are affected by that which is why sometimes our weight goes up and then down.

Anyway back to me (my blog) you can think about your WHY though at the same time, I’ll let ya!
Now I have my WHY, I need to work out what I need to do/change/stop/start to accomplish it. I know I need to take it slowly, small steps, small goals, small wins, this is the only way I’m going to win at life. 

Sara Cox made me think about ‘winning at life’ yesterday when she covered for Chris Evans and asks, ‘how are you winning at life today?’, I realised I was because I’d already done the washing up and put my dinner in the slow cooker.  These are the small things that will help me get my enthusiasm back, if I eat well, I’ll feel better, if my surroundings are clean and tidy, I’ll feel better.  I will feel at my best by doing small things that add up.

Now I know tracking works, but I also know that the sheer thought of tracking for 7 days blows my mind because I get to Friday and it all goes tits up!  Therefore my goal for this week is to track Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and then if I feel I can track Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday brilliant if I don’t it’s okay because I’ve managed the three days I set as my small goal.  I’m already nailing the drinking water each morning goal.  I’m not going to set any more goals for this week ahead because I want to be able to achieve them and not feel like I’ve failed again.  Healthy choices on those three tracked days will be a bonus.

Yep I’m going after getting my enthusiasm back, I’m not sleeping great at all since the clock’s changed.  I went to bed at 8 again last night to try and make up for the bad sleep, since midnight I’ve woke every 30-40 minutes, gave up just before 4 and got up, same yesterday.  I’m so glad we’re talking sleep in the meetings this week, I might pick up some tips!

Here’s to a very, great day, you in BeYOUtiful?  What’s your WHY?

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