Sunday 25 November 2018

Overdrawn? In denial!

25th November 2018
The comeback is always stronger than the set back!

Guess where I am, I'm in bed writing my blog because I can cos I've got a laptop now - woo hoo, I didn't realise I could do that till I woke up and it was early, dark and cold and I thought I don't really want to get out of bed yet, then realised I didn't have to!  This is the future for sure.

Yesterday went by in a flash, the day was full of good things, from having to go to work on a Saturday and being okay with that because I love my members to the fact I did a bit of housework ignoring my back pain, then I made an epic roast chicken dinner, nom nom nom. mom and I watched a lovely Christmas movie, then we had visitors, my brother and my niece popped in and occupied mom for a couple of hours.  Yeah yesterday was a very, great day.

Now back to WW, Regardless of any changes that are happening to WW, I asked my members in my Facebook group to remember they all joined for weight loss reasons.  Members lost 8% more weight on our latest plan which has been in place for a year now than any of our previous plans, proving its worth.  From today in meetings you will have the choice when you join to opt for one of the following reasons for joining.   

Weight loss and healthy habits 
If your goal is to build healthy habits and lose weight, select this mode. You'll have the chance to set a weight loss goal later on

Healthy habits.

If your goal is to build healthy habits without focusing on weight loss, select this mode. You can change your focus at any time.

I've just copied and pasted those from the website, now I completely understand WW's reasons for changing but don't forget your reasons for joining, you wanted to lose weight and develop healthy habits for life!

Ask yourself - does not stepping on the scales really help?  We're all coming up to Christmas so we'll be spending more cash than usual, would it help if you completely ignore your bank balance until January, then get that shock in the New Year that you've gone overdrawn and are in a shedload of debt, nope it wouldn't.  So don't go overdrawn with your weight loss journey either!  It's one thing not to step on the scales because you know there is going to be a gain and your mood couldn't handle that but it's completely another if you just don't rock up to your workshop at all.  At least if you come to your wellness check-in you can have a quick chat with your coach and then sit and chat with the other members and share how your feeling, looking forward to how you plan to behave over the coming week. 

One of my members is going away this week for a few days, she's already decided she's going to enjoy it then get back on track when she returns.  Imagine if she didn't return till January, what would those scales be saying then!  Out of sight, out of mind.  Ignorance isn't bliss which is why regardless of how good or bad my week has been, I always step on those scales once a week. Because for me, there is that number that will get me to get a grip and stop eating that packet of crisps before bedtime!

I may not be being brilliant right now but I'm doing something, lots of veggies on my plate, glass of water each morning, I've still only had the one mince pie this winter and I resist a lot of what mom offers me because I know I can't afford to go that overdrawn on my Smart Points, if I do, I'll regret it!

I'm working towards getting the balance back and reminding myself of how amazing delicious, healthy food tastes.  My shopping arrived yesterday morning with the ingredients for garlic chicken, that'll be going in the pot this week, I'll have leftover chicken dinner today.  The thing about things coming in packs is you have 8 Yorkshire puddings to eat, I'm thinking eggs in Yorkshire puds for brekkie instead of one toast, wonder if that would work?  They're 3SP each according to the app, so more than toast  Speaking o
f the app, it's time for me to start using it properly, for tracking my food - all of my food!  Yes today I won't pretend all is ok in my WW world, today I will be accountable to the magic of the app, track it all and enjoy a delicious day of food because with WW you can!  8% more weight loss if you follow the plan sounds good to me, what do you reckon BeYOUtiful?

Shall we both have a very, great day? Catch ya tomo.

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