Sunday 11 November 2018

A quiet day ahead

11th November 2018
If you don’t want temptation to follow you, don’t act as if you’re interested.

Early night had and a good night’s sleep and now to enjoy my day off and relax.  Yesterday was a mixed day and proof that a bad hour doesn’t make a bad day!   After taking an hour to secure Spice Girl tickets, I came home and walked into a happy mom, then I walked Alfie and came back and sat down to watch Mamma Mia 2 and she turned, her mood went stinky.  Thankfully my heads in a good place again and from years of practice, I’ve got the handle on how to deal with situations like this, she wasn’t interested in the movie, she was sorting her papers and generally being an arse, but I was patient and persistent and eventually she came round, in the last 20 minutes of the movie!  Then as the credits were going up she said, have we got that to keep, I liked it, I could watch it again.  I said we could watch it again right away if she wanted and she said yes, so we did, and I did my very best to explain who the characters were and how it was jumping back and forth over 25 years – not easy for someone with Alzheimer’s to keep on top of.   The rest of the day was pretty good though thankfully.  It’s important to try and understand what’s going on in the other persons head, that way you have more patience to get why they’re behaving in a certain way. 

6 weeks tomorrow is Christmas Eve, how ridiculously fast has this year gone, thankfully I have no gifts to buy as I’m doing the Food Bank instead.  I’ll look out for some bits and bobs for mom, although she isn’t easy to buy for, like me there’s nothing she really needs or wants.

I never did cook in the end yesterday, but I will today because the mince is defrosted.  I ended up having crumpets for breakfast at the meeting, corn on the cob with St Agur cheese on them for dinner and for my tea I had a bag of Cheese and Onion crisps, meh I enjoyed it all and today will be super delicious too.

I have a morning of crochet planned, I’m trying new square patterns and using my brain which is good and it keeps me occupied which stops me overeating so that’s even better.

Actually I’m off because I want to get one done before the rest of the house wakes up and it’s already half five.

Here’s to a great day xx 

my 3 good things from yesterday 

1) got me spice girls tickets
2) enjoyed Mamma mia 2
3) did the Willow square thanks to Bella Coco showing me how, this woman is brilliant! This is the video if you fancy a go.

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