Monday 1 October 2018

White rabbits...

1st October 2018
Don’t hate Mondays, they stand for new beginnings.

Not only is it a Monday but it’s the first of the month, great day to make changes! I’ve just turned on my radio to hear “The first of Stoptober what are you stopping?” mmm, I’m going to stop, oh I don’t know! I’m actually not going to stop anything, stopping is more difficult than starting something so I’m going to do Startober, The only thing I’d contemplate stopping if I did it still, would be smoking and I stopped that over 20 years ago. 

I’ll start drinking a pint of water as soon as I get out of bed and at lunchtime, that way I’m guaranteed a couple of pints a day, that’s got to be good for me.

I’ve weighed this morning, oh that’s the thing I’m stopping, I decided yesterday, I’m going to take the pressure off me to get results on those scales, they are what they are for now, I’m going to focus on feeling well and having enough energy to help me survive my life, the scales show I’ve maintained which is great and I’ve had enough rest this weekend but make me feel like I’m able to handle some housework today.  The floor needs doing, mom said yesterday, “I’m gonna try and hoover I think Bev, it feels like I’m walking on a beach, all gritty”.  I told her to put her slippers on and she wouldn’t notice ;), I’ll have a good hoover through this morning, make my kitchen look how it looked this time last year, almost finished it was.

Yeah I’d say I’d start a routine for doing my housework but I know I won’t, it wouldn’t last, I’ll stick with doing it when the mood and energy takes me. 

I’ve got Alfie staring at me waiting for his walk but I wanted to drink my tea and get this blog done, so I can see it being a short one, things to do this morning, lots of things, I feel ready for my day though, that’s a good thing. 

3 months left of 2018, it’s a great time to refocus, and life is a series of beginnings, endings, obstacles, detours and interruptions for all of us.   It’d be great it if always ran smoothly but it doesn’t.   No matter where you are right now, you have the ability to change direction, if you’re anything like me, you’ve probably spent some of this year feeling overwhelmed, tired, out of balance and as if all you do is work and take care of others whilst living on auto-pilot. 

Maybe, you’ve lost your way, your sense of purpose so why not use this time to begin again.

Start by assessing where you are now, calm your mind, do what works for you, for me it’s a walk whilst listening to music.  Then make a list of what is right now, what’s the situation as is.  It helps to put your thoughts down on paper. 

What are your options, what isn’t working, what is, what could?  What’s involved in making any changes you’d like to make. Do you need to get anyone else on board?

Now make your plan, get the support you need, take that first step and make this month matter.

I’m now off to walk Alfie before he has a doggy breakdown!

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