Saturday 8 September 2018

Make Saturday Super!

9th September 2018
Don’t wait for things to get easier, simpler or better.  Life will always be complicated.  Learn to be happy right now.  Otherwise you’ll run out of time and start nothing…

Today is your day to start fresh, to eat right, to move a little more and to live healthy and be proud because you’re focusing on making healthy habits for real life, because real life isn’t always easy but you can survive it!

Yeah the above is so true, I had a truly restful day yesterday, I was asked on Facebook by someone “How do you keep going on so little sleep?” The truth is we either keep going or give in and I ain’t doing that!  For me everything is harder when I’m tired, I have always been one of those people who doesn’t function well without sleep and I like a lot of sleep, I’ve always gone to bed early 9ish and slept straight through till my alarm at 5am most nights so these shorter and interrupted nights are telling on me but honestly not as bad as I’d expect.

Helping me are the healthy habits I already have in place, drinking water, eating good food, walking Alfie, knowing that rest is almost as good as sleep.  I am so glad I’ve slowed down my life a little, I know I’m still busy but this time last year, I was a whole lot busier.

Yeah busy is okay as long as you’re enjoying it, I nipped over the doctors yesterday for my blood test results and they weren’t there still, she said they weren’t, to which I asked if they were but the doctor hadn’t looked at them yet, this was the truth, when I asked when he might get round to that she said ‘he usually does that over the weekend’, so this doctor who I regular pass on his way to and from work because he parks in my street is arriving at work at 7.30am every day, then I see him leave when I’m returning some nights so anytime between 7 and 8ish, then he’s working from home at the weekends.  When’s he living?  We shouldn’t only be enjoying life when we have a week off for a holiday!  Crazy world that is.

If you could give one piece of advice to your younger self and also to your future self, what would it be?  Would it be the same thing or two different pieces of advice?  Mine would be to my younger self, “you have a cracking body, appreciate it now because all those things you hear people talk about will at some point happen to you, you will end up in glasses and get out of bed like gollum, you aren’t invincible, so enjoy everything you’ve got for as long as it lasts!”  To my future self, mmm that’s a toughie, here goes “If you haven’t already, stash up on that wine, then when you’re housebound at least you’ll have supplies!”

Anyway, what did I eat yesterday – priorities ;) I had avocado on protein bagel with a slice of bacon all crispy and cut up and some sweet chill tomatoes, so good.  Loving the baby avocados because they’re a perfect 5SP portion, 11SP total for the meal.  I also had some sushi for breakfast (odd I know) and a chicken sarnie for tea.  Posting my pics on Instagram @bev_ww and on my Facebook WW page really helps me think about my meals, sadly I was attacked at 7.45pm by a packet of Walkers cheese and onion, it happened around the same time that mom turned into a narky cow, and just to show her as she left the room and headed upstairs I stole another packet and ate them before taking up her meds.  That showed her didn’t it, 8SP wasted, they were too because I wasn’t in a happy place when I ate them so they were just inhaled, didn’t even touch the sides. 

She’s okay again this morning, she only got cranky over telly stuff, she can’t keep up with stuff and it frustrates her, hell it would frustrate me too if I was in her shoes.  Can you imagine sitting there looking at images on a screen, not being able to understand them because they talk so damn fast and quiet and you’re not sure if that person is the same as before or it’s changed.  It must be proper rotten!

Which is why today, I’m going to try and get her either in the summer house or we won’t turn the tv on until later, she’s okay most of the time but after too long it goes downhill.

Anyway, its Saturday today got my lovely morning meeting to enjoy then I’ve got a blanket to carry on stitching together before I can start the border.  I’ve got lots I can be doing but whether I will we shall see because I don’t want my whole life to be on a timetable, I want to do nothing a lot.

Here’s to having a very great day, looking for the smile moments (don’t just look for them, acknowledge that they’ve happened and better still make a note of them, if you don’t want to carry round a little notebook, use the notes on your phone to do it – ooo that’s what I’ll start doing, I always have my phone with me), Oh and carry on focussing on creating those healthy habits for life.

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