Friday 14 September 2018

Cold hands...

14th September 2018
When you can’t find the sunshine, be the sunshine.

Following on from yesterday’s blog about being a grown up, I don’t want to have to sit with my mom day in day out listening to her read the same article from a paper to me but I do it! why? Because I love her so much. I’m going to remind myself of this when I don’t want to make myself an healthy meal, I love me too, so time to take care of me as much as I do my wonderful mom which is turn will give me more energy, with energy comes patience and then those articles don’t bother me as much and together we occasionally find a middle ground and the talk about other stuff and the newspapers get ignored.

I turned down salt and vinegar French fries yesterday too! Ma’an that was hard, they were free as well, a member knows I love em and offered me a pack, more than once which makes it harder to keep saying no but I managed it.

I ate three decent meals. My breakfast was an epic omelette with chicken sausages, bacon and protein cheese for 4SP. 

Then for lunch I had the slow cooker sweet chilli chicken, chick pea and pepper that worked! 

For tea I had a fish cake on a deli thin 12SP which was tasty too for the points.

I’m over the park with Alfie, he’s just standing and doing nothing, time to get my gloves out, my hands are cold, it’s not even 7am!

I think I’m going to make my beef stew today, if I prepare it when I get back I can have it this afternoon and tomorrow, it’s always better the day after. Gonna attempt to plan some meals then I’ll have a list of what I have and I can eat them when I fancy rather than say I’ve got to have this meal on this day. I’m feeling a chicken dinner Sunday though, mmm, breakfast out with my bestie and a late dinner = perfect.

I also fancy a curry this coming week, I know I have stuff to make that. I’m getting better with chick peas so will maybe do a chick pea curry, I have a bag of red lentils they’d make a good curry too.

There’s fish in the freezer so fish pie, salmon which is always delicious just cooked on the George with a Maggi liner.

See my meal list is coming together. What else have I got? There’s always eggs, ooo if I cook too many spuds on Sunday I could do a frittata Monday.

I should eat some of the soup in the cupboard, it’ll fill me up and stretch my points.

Yeah here’s to emptying the cupboards ready to refill on payday!

I also have a couple of frozen fish pies there’s at least one meal if I can get mom to eat one, two if not.

See it’s not that difficult this meal planning it’s only just gone 7am and mines done whilst Alfie ain’t walked much more than a few hundred yards!

Whilst the kettles boiling in a bit I will look to see what else is in those cupboards, I might even empty them and put them in some sort of organised!

My life is so rock and roll ain’t it. Anyway I’m gonna stop writing cos my hands are cold and I want to put them in my pockets…

Back home and ready for a mug of tea and a warm, have a very great day, smile at stuff and whether you want to or feel like you can or not BeYOUtiful, work on making those healthy habits xx

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