Sunday 22 July 2018

Love a catch up I do

22nd July 2018
Not all storms come to disrupt your life, some come to clear your path.

I had a very great day yesterday, after my usual awesome Saturday morning with my members at Old Fallings, I went for brunch with my bestie V and we had a good catch up, we went to Maccy D’s (classy birds), sat there for 5 minutes till it was 10.30 and we could order a burger, used a bus ticket coupon to get the burger and fries for £1.99 (more class from us bargain birds there!) and sat there for ages and it was lovely.  Extra pickle, it’s the future and those iced frappes – ouch, 20SP for a regular, whilst V drank that, I opted for a second burger as it was less points (I know, hardly a good example of a Weight Watcher but I didn’t eat much else for the rest of the day, I didn’t need too.  I do love a Maccies, they’re full of memories for me of me and my sister going to Birmingham on the train and using coupons to get 2 for 1 and eating 2 each rather than having one each.  I don’t have a great memory so when I do remember something, it’s truly special to me, even silly things like that.

The afternoon was spent in front of the tv with mom, we watched a couple of films on Amazon, she chose Jumanji as she loves the Rock and I opted for Pitch Perfect 3 as I like feel good films, it wasn’t the best I’ve seen but it wasn’t the worst either.  I fancy Tomb Raider next, don’t mind paying £1.99 to watch a movie, I pay the annual £79 fee too, but again I get prime delivery for that and I use Amazon almost weekly, it’s a godsend with my world, I can’t just go mooching round the shops any time I fancy.

We continued with tele on the night and watched The Voice Kids, truly talented individuals on there, I’ve really enjoyed watching them.  Can’t remember what time we ended up going to bed but I slept till 6 when Alfie woke me up for his walk.   It’s overcast out there this morning but warm, I can see a very similar day today, so if you can recommend a movie I may not have seen and we’d love, do so, or anything on Amazon or Sky or catch up that’s worth a watch.  Mom struggles to keep up with story lines so we can’t have anything that takes too much thinking and to be honest, I don’t want to think either!

I’ve got lunch planned, we’re having posh giant fish finger sarnies, a healthy version of Maccy’s Filet o Fish, trying to get mom fancying stuff rather than her saying no and living on biscuits and crisps

I’ve started a to eat list, meals I’d forgotten about of late and really fancy and because I can’t eat them all in one day and I’ll likely forget, I’ve written them down, they include;

- Cottage pie

- Lasagne (can’t remember the last time I had this but I want to try doing a honeycomb lasagne with fresh pasta – similar to this but not the same

- Cod roe (not sure what I’ll have it with yet)

- Birds eye potato waffles with eggs on top and either peas, spaghetti hoops or beans on the side (mom will eat this too which is a bonus)
Right time to get on with my day, Co-op will be open now so I can go get moms papers, I might sit and have a read of them myself.  Can’t beat an easy, relaxing weekend, love my simple life I do.

Enjoy your day BeYOUtiful. xx

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