Sunday 13 May 2018

How far have you come?

13th May 2018
Remember how far you've come, not how far you have to go. You are not where you want to be, but neither are you where you used to be.

Out walking Alfie typing into my phone as we walk and a cuppa in my other hand because he wasn’t waiting this morning. Just got out of bed after getting back in it at 4 and having a couple more hours. Mom woke me around one and I couldn’t get back to sleep so I got up after lying there for half hour and crocheted for a bit. It will not defeat me, this new pattern is round and I’d got flummoxed by it Friday night so gave up, yesterday I’d pulled back and restarted row 6 a couple of times, wasted half hour before realising it wouldn’t work because I’d already done row 6 this was row 7! This morning I’ve done row 11 twice! I found I’d missed a stitch at the end of row 10 but didn’t notice until I got to the end of row 11. All good fun, yet another thing teaching me patience which is something I need in bucket loads these days. The couple that I made the last blanket for are so happy with it, it makes it all worthwhile, and hearing them say how much is just awesome, made me feel really good. I can’t wait to get the next granny blanket started, I’ve been looking at colours and chatted with them about their decor and I have a feeling it’s gonna look awesome when I’m done if I do say so myself!

I also had a lovely surprise gift from a lovely lady who I've known many years and our paths have continued to cross throughout our work as if the universe wanted us to stay in touch, I'm grateful for that, how lovely is this;

I'll be putting that up today, it's just lovely, mom said it should have "& cake" on it, I might write that in marker pen by the side of it on the summerhouse. 

Anyway back to today, weathers looking promising, hoping to get mom outside, she can read the papers to me and we can do some crosswords like we did in the week whilst I crochet. Oh what a lovely calm life I’ve got - not but if I can just get the odd quiet hour or so I can handle the rest.
I had a lovely dinner yesterday, salmon on a bed of courgetti with olives, sundried tomatoes and cherry peppers. It was delicious and colourful and can you believe I forgot to add a loaf to my food shop so that saved me from a sarnie last night instead I had cucumber rounds topped with a seriously spreadable cheese square and olives saved me 3SP on bread.

Squares are 1SP
Don’t get me wrong there was things consumed yesterday that weren’t planned but these days I’m focusing on doing what I can when I can and giving myself a break when I can’t because my life isn’t how it was and I have enough to focus on. I’ll be as healthy in mind and body as I’m able to be.

I was chatting on private messenger with a member on Friday and I realised she’s lost sight of how far she’s come and she’s focusing more on how far she has to go.

We should all be focusing on being the best person we can right now rather than comparing ourselves to others or to a past version of ourselves or a version we see in our heads that we wish we were.

Don’t get so caught up with being a better version of yourself that you fail to appreciate the current one, remember you’re already BeYOUtiful you’re just working on getting healthier by getting slimmer.

Do you stop to appreciate how good you are, I’m just thinking about that and realising I’m a really good person. I do my utmost to make my moms life as comfortable and happy as possible whilst doing my best to help my members find their happy and work on their healthy. I’m also not a bad friend or sibling to have I think. Oh and I crochet a mean blanket and am pretty creative when it comes to furnishing a snug. Not forgetting I throw together some good grub. So stop for a minute and appreciate some of your qualities. Having a good isn’t just about what you weigh being a good person isn’t about size.

Well we’re back at my front door, lazy boy didn’t go far, but at least he’s done for the morning. I can get this posted and get in the garden quicker, oh and completely ignore the housework that needs doing because I’m not wasting a precious dry day on dullness.

Whatever you have planned -enjoy and stay healthy(ish)

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