Thursday 17 May 2018

12 weeks - why not?

17th May 2018
You still have a lot of time to make yourself what you want to be.

Well yesterday was seriously busy, I spent the entire day at my desk so none of the housework plans transpired, as you would guess I was gutted about that – NOT!  It was worth the office work though as I had a very busy night last night, lots of returning members ready to make the next 12 weeks count, which will include what I think could be an incredible summer.

12 weeks to make a difference, you know what they say, it takes 4 weeks for you to see your body changing, it takes 8 weeks for your friends and family to notice and 12 weeks for the rest of the world.  How would you feel by the 9th August if people were saying “WOW, you look good have you lost some weight?”  Or if around the 12th July you have a family get together, a BBQ in the garden and one of your siblings or your dad says, “you’re looking a bit slimmer lately, you on a diet?”  And not forgetting the most important person noticing, yeah that’ll be you, mid-June looking in the mirror and thanking yourself for bothering and being about to get in that wardrobe full of last year’s summers clothes or better still the new outfit you’ve treated yourself too because you’ve lost half a stone.   Yeah 12 weeks to make a difference, sounds like a plan doesn’t it!

Let’s stick with the number 12 for a minutes, what 12 small changes could you make to help?
  1. Eat fruit or veg as a snack
  2. Eat fish 1-2 times a week
  3. Switch to skimmed milk, low fat spread, use spray light for cooking or dry fry
  4. Walk more
  5. Track your eating & drinking – it’ll help you become more aware
  6. Add some activity into your life
  7. Opt for 2 not 3 courses when you eat out
  8. Drink more water
  9. Drink less alcohol
  10. Think more positive thoughts
  11. Take time out for yourself, attend your WW meeting
  12. Be proud of yourself & the fact that you’re taking care of yourself

What about 12 reasons to lose weight, oh there’s so many more but go on then…
  1. Sleep better & so will your partner if you stop snoring
  2. Less joint pain – your knees & elbows will thank you
  3. Your sex drive will improve & you’ll enjoy it more!
  4. Your complexion will clear up
  5. You’ll gain more confidence and/or higher self esteem
  6. You’ll have more energy
  7. Food will taste better & you’ll eat new foods & suffer less heartburn
  8. Your loved ones may lose weight too & your family will eat healthier
  9. You’ll make new friends at your WW meeting
  10. You could live longer, your cancer risk will reduce - your immune system will work properly again
  11. You’ll be able to wear the clothes you want
  12. You’ll achieve your goals!

Oh how cool would it have been if I’d been able to say there’s 12 days left in May for you to start making that difference, but there isn’t there’s 15, which is better really because you still have two weeks left in this month to start making that difference. 

I know I’m not the greatest loser of weight right now but it won’t stop me trying each day, including today, I’m be starting with some eggs, I may have Heinz lentil soup today because Lucy seems adamant that it’s awesome and it’ll be quick too.  I have a lot of work to do today so soup I can drink at my desk if need be.  Not only do I have 5 meetings I also have a shed load of new members to input into my system between meetings as I’m not going to have time this morning and I was too tired last night to start working again at half eight.

I will have a good day though – promise, pinky promise… how about you BeYOUtiful – will you have a good day too? 

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