Thursday 26 April 2018


26th April 2018
Weight loss is like driving: if you ever veer off the road, just make a U-turn and head back in the right direction.

I spent most of my morning yesterday clearing up my kitchen then oiling my work surfaces, my back was aching so I knew I wouldn’t be able to do the floors, which made me think “okay, what can I do?”  The worktops were ready for a refresh and I had a draining board and the pull out chopping board on the island that hadn’t been started, they’ve now had 2 coats, so one more at least, preferably two and they’re good to go.

It’s a good question to ask yourself sometimes, “Okay, what can I do?” especially when you’re either not getting the results you want or you’re not getting any results at all because you’re struggling to stay on track (that’ll be me!)

Okay, so what can I do today, I will be able to use my kitchen again today, it’s Thursday my crazy busy day so either I take something out of the freezer this morning to make me eat that good or I opt for a ready meal.  If I don’t do either of them the danger is making bad choices later.  I’m thinking Salmon, it’ll defrost quickly too.  I also have some slow cooker chicken left I can use up.

I can make sure I drink plenty of water, already just finished my first pint, been slacking on the water front the last few days, maybe that’s contributing to my aching joints. 

I can walk Alfie and get a bit of exercise and I can work on getting my mojo back.  The meetings this week are helping with that, we’re covering planning but it’s given me some restarting ideas.  Simple things like take your marker pen shopping with you and Smart Point stuff whilst in the supermarket, then write it on with the pen there and then.  Get yourself a large A-Z book to write in recipes or food finds and their point values.  If you have lots of cookbooks a great tip I heard last night was number them, then when you find a yummy recipe you can jot down which number book it’s in and the page, quicker than writing the book title.

Some of my members plan their entire week of meals and they usually tell me it takes about 20 minutes to look through cook books and make shopping list. 

I need to turn myself into a project, I’m good at those, heck look at all the projects I’ve had over the last year, new bedroom, new kitchen, new garden, crochet blankets. Yep, I think I’ve found my next project. 

Project Bev!  Or better still MISSION ME!   Your mission should you choose to accept it is to work on yourself, for yourself, by yourself – actually not completely by yourself, you can get as much help from your WW group and fellow WW as you possibly can.   Where do we start?

By deciding we’ve had enough of the way we look, the way we are eating and it’s time for change.

Get tracking your food, what are you eating, how much, get to know your habits not just live them, knowledge is power, once you know you can start changing them.

As well as getting weighed, get the tape measure out and take those scary measurements, you’ll be so glad you did as you lose weight – why not take them in centimetres rather than inches, a) you probably won’t understand them (if you’re over a certain age) and b) it’ll look like you’ve lost more as the numbers go down because they’re smaller than inches!

Over the weekend, clean out and organise your kitchen, the fridge, freezer, cupboards the lot.  Let’s get our mojo back and work on MISSION ME!

Focus on today, don’t think about tomorrow and don’t dwell on yesterday BeYOUtiful, let’s get this so tomorrow I can say we got this!

It's almost May, let's make it #BevsWW #MMM Mission Me in May!

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