Thursday 29 March 2018

Gonna save my pennies by eating cheap

29th March 2018
Walk away from anything that gives you bad vibes.  There is no need to explain or make sense of it.  It’s your life.  Do what makes you happy.

My backs hurting still, it’s not fun when your back hurts but other than that I’m good.  I’m on a food shopping diet again, I’m saving to have more work done on the house so I need to save money where I can and food is probably where I waste the most! I’m working my way through my cupboards and fridge for starters, although I bought some cooked chicken slices yesterday which were reduced to 56p from £2+ each and we had a chicken dinner using up the frozen parsnips and Yorkshires that had been in the freezer since Christmas.  Ready meals today from freezer, then toad in the hole tomorrow, that’s a real cheap meal, £2.50 for the chicken breast sausage and I already have the flour and eggs. 

It’s all about the cheap eats again.  I’ve got a turkey crown for Easter Sunday and it’s too big for two of us, I could make turkey curry with the leftovers or something with pasta, that’s always a cheap meal.  Yep watch this space for eating on a budget.

A great way to eat on a budget is to eat the amount of food you’re supposed too, in the portion sizes you should be eating, rather than eating too much, too often and of course cutting the additional junk out, less crisps for starters.  Meat free meals are another good way to save money, meal ain’t cheap.  Oh and not forgetting shopping around for the bargains.

Briam is a delicious meal, my sister-in-law makes the best, here’s Jamie’s version.

Fish cakes too are a cheap, easy meal and I have plenty of fish in the freezer to use up, just need the spuds,

Yeah, I’m up for the cheap and cheerful challenge, there’s only so much money coming into my house and I want to spend it on something else this year other than my belly!   Hopefully it’ll help me lose some weight too.   I’m not spending money on doing much else right now, can’t go far without mom, so I want a place to live in that brings us both comfort and enjoyment, to get that, I have to spend money, but first to add get saving.

But first to earn, luckily I’ve got a job I enjoy so I’ll be working lots today to earn those pennies. 

My magazines didn’t arrive yesterday – gutted because of my bestie being in there, but a positive from yesterday was the Express and Star rang me about my diamond award and Penn Road butchers and how we’d worked together to create a healthy chicken breast sausage to help my members and others looking to eat healthy, so keep your eye out on the newspaper, hopefully they’ll be something in soon.

Right I’m off to get ready for my meetings, I’m super impressed with my members this week, they’re not using the upcoming Easter as an excuse to miss, they’re all sure they will survive the first bank holiday of the year, there’s a lot of positivity and even those who know they’ll be attacked by chocolate eggs and the like are they’ll return next week happy and ready for whatever the scales have to say to them.   Now that’s an healthy attitude to have and on that note have a really, really good day, it’s Good Friday tomorrow, let’s make today Tremendous Thursday.

Oh and if you haven't already, please sign Stuarts petition so he can open a butchers at Ashmore Park.

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