Wednesday 21 February 2018


21st February 2018
The most effective way to do it, is to do it.
Mmm there’s stuff going on in my head but I don’t know what to write about, I’m not sure I’ve processed the thought that woke me up yet, I want to sit on it first I think.  I did wake up to a lovely  message though, it’s nice to know people care.  I obviously get a different view in my meetings, members are looking towards me and of course I’m looking towards them, it’s a time when I get to learn so much from the looks on their faces, communication doesn’t always need to be words, it’s all in the eyes and yesterday, I wanted to stop talking, grab 3 or 4 of the ladies in that room and have one big group hug because I could see all the emotions they were holding in, a good crying hug circle would have done them the world of good.

We’re always trying not to cry, to be strong, sod that, I’m all about the blarting these days, it’s cathartic, I wouldn’t have the urge to cry if there wasn’t a need for me to do it surely and I find it a relief to get it out, then I’m able to handle the stuff that’s being thrown at me.

We’re talking about support in my meetings this week, particularly “Self Support” because you can get all the support in the world but none of it’s any use if you’re not supporting yourself.

Heck you don’t just want to be helped, you want your supporters to stand by your side as you help yourself.  The only person guaranteed to be there for your entire life is you so you need to learn some coping strategies. 

So that’s what we’re looking at in my meeting’s, how can you best support yourself on weight loss journey and of course one of those ways is knowing when to ask for help, when you need support from others.  It’s a support circle isn’t it?  I’m not going to go too much into it as I want to talk about it in my meetings.

Last night, I had a member come to my meeting who hadn’t been to me before, we chatted and she said “I’ve got to do this now”, I challenged that statement, no one has got to do it, there’s always a choice and I think that’s important to realise, we still have the power to make our own choices, to behave how we wish to and to be who we want to.  You’re less likely to do something that you’ve got to do, you’re more likely to do it because you want to do it.  Everything starts with WHY.

People are doing things on a daily basis and few of them know why they do what they do!

Why do you overeat?
Why do you want to lose weight?
Why do you start the day on track and finish it with your head in a plate of biscuits?

It isn’t just about deciding why you want to lose the weight, it’s about working out why you are where you are right now, what led to these behaviours.  We will continue to repeat what we don’t repair, so is the answer to ‘FIX’ ourselves, or to change ourselves.  How do we change?  We sure don’t want to be focusing all our energy on fighting our old ways, instead let’s focus on creating new ways or habits as we call them.  

This blogs a bit all over the place I think but that’s because there’s so much going on up there in my head, some of which I want to share in my meetings before I do on my blog, some of which I’m still trying to process, so I’m going to leave the randomness here and talk about something that’s clear and good.

We’re having a Coffee Morning Fundraiser on Saturday, April 21st, 10.00–12.30pm after my meeting at United Reform Church; Old Fallings Lane, Wolverhampton, WV10 8BH

Why not join us, take a break from your busy life and enjoy a natter over a cuppa, indulge in a slice of cake or a savoury snack, buy some fantastic home baked goodies to enjoy over the weekend from our cake stall.

Join us to raise funds for the Stroke association and to get to know some of the people you see briefly in meetings or only know through facebook.  I hope you will, we’re helping Karen, Pam and Sally and Deanne raise valuable funds for the Stroke Association.   See the event on Facebook and let us know if you’re coming.  We’re also looking for raffle and tombola prizes, cake or savoury bakers and people to help out.

Right I’m off to clean my kitchen, every day it needs doing – I don’t like this adult stuff at all!

Enjoy your day BeYOUtiful, mid-week already!

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