Friday 23 February 2018

BeYOUtiful remember you're YOUnique

23rd February 2018
Whenever you find yourself doubting how far you can go, just remember how far you have come.  Remember everything you have faced, all the battles you have won, and all the fears you have overcome.
Cracking day at the scales yesterday, 173lb lost, also been a busy week for members returning and new members joining, there must be something in the water, or maybe it’s where the moon is, or perhaps we’re realising the consequences of not doing something about our eating habits and our weight!

I’m thinking fish today, maybe salmon, I can take it out of the freezer this morning, Nat and me were chatting last night about how we needed to use some of the food we already had in our cupboards rather than going and buying more!  That’s the plan for me, I do need fresh stuff but not store cupboard stuff.  To meal plan or not to meal plan that is the question!  I think I should, at least have a look and do a list of meals that I can make with what I’ve got in the cupboards rather than coming home and thinking ‘what can I eat?’

My diet this week is mostly lacking veggies, I’ve been a lazy cook, yesterday I had lemon chicken and rice, I did cook butternut squash fries with it but they didn’t cook properly at all, burnt on the outside still crunchy in the middle – I ate em though!  For tea I had a frozen M&S side dish that had been in my freezer since December, 9sp in half of it, it wasn’t all that, proving to me I buy stuff on impulse when the packaging is pretty or Christmas is upon us.  Bit more space back in the freezer though.  It’s payday weekend, so that’s a bonus, I’ll buy some nice veggies, more fruit, I did eat the entire back of apples, need more.

I had an email yesterday that stated, “Information without execution gets you NOWHERE.How true is that, it’s no use me knowing everything there is to know about healthy eating if I don’t’ put it into practice.

Therefore today I plan to practice what I preach, I will start my day with the strawberries that are staring at me on my kitchen counter, some yogurt with them maybe because let’s be honest, I’m not actually hungry, there’s probably enough food in me to keep me going for a few days!

I’m out this morning so won’t be back till later, but I’ll have salmon for tea, it’s a quick easy meal, a Maggi seasoned paper flavour, they’re fab, I wrap one round the salmon and put them on the George Foreman, I can either it with rice, potato or pasta.

See just thinking about what to eat and putting a bit of effort into it, helps steer me in the right direction, especially when I don’t wanna do stuff.  It’s okay not to want to do things, but we’ve still got to get on and do them.

So here’s to a day of being accountable, getting stuff done and realising we can do this.

Oh, and in case no one else told you lately, I think you are truly sensational. You are an amazing individual, one of kind, truly YOUnique, you are BeYOUtiful – never forget it!   Have that belief in yourself, know you can achieve anything you put your mind too. 

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