Sunday 7 January 2018

Slow down Sunday

7th January 2018
Create a life that feels good on the inside, not one that just looks good on the outside.

Yay, I lost a pound, I’ll take that, especially as I didn’t really get on track till Tuesday and even then I wasn’t perfect.  Here’s to an improved week, yesterday started with a delicious omelette before my morning meeting which was awesome.  Then once I’d had my massage, I was good for nothing, I just about managed to put some butternut squash fries in the oven with a few chicken sausages for dinner but that was me done. 

I spent the rest of the day in front of the tv with my crocheting and had a slice of bread and a pack of prosciutto for my tea. Even Alfie didn’t want to walk in that horrible weather yesterday, I’ve got a feeling we’ll be having a good walk this morning.

I’ve sat here already for over an hour messing about on the internet, pinterest, facebook etc, I do have to admit I like doing that though, it’s a relaxing way to start my day, I’m looking for inspiration and ideas.  This morning though I’ve mostly been playing Candy Crush.  The theme for today is definitely slow, I’m thinking pottering in my kitchen, cooking some food, then crochet and chilling with mom.

What I have done this week is keep a timesheet for work, I’ve also made a conscious effect to keep my office hours controlled so that I do keep time for me, it’s worked really well and I plan to keep doing it, I need the balance, I want to enjoy doing things I enjoy, the odd half hour here and there.  I usually don’t start doing something unless I’ve got hours to do it, but this week has made me realise talking just 15 minutes and having a break really does make a difference.

I’m also doing the budget thing with my money, I’m doing a sort of audit on my life I guess, seeing where I’m spending money and if I need to spend so much, if I need to spend it at all.  I’ve had a lot of work done on my house over the last year, I plan to start on the garden next and the reason I can afford it is because for the last 3 years we haven’t had any holidays, I’ve not really gone anywhere or done anything, thankfully instead of just wasting the money I would’ve used for those things, I’ve saved it and now I’ve enjoyed spending it on making the space around me a nice place to be.

That dying cauliflower is definitely being cooked today, I’ll revive it and make it edible, I’ve got some dying spuds too which I’ll use for mash, mmm mash, one of my favourite things in the world.  The freezer is emptying nicely, still a good week or more of meals in there I reckon though.

Right I’m waffling and I now want bacon and mash potato cakes for breakfast I think topped with a dry fried egg, mmm. 

Hope you enjoy your day BeYOUtiful as much as I intend too, happy Sunday.

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