Monday 25 December 2017

Enjoy every moment...

25th December 2017
If you don’t have Christmas in your heart, you will never find it under a tree! 
Christmas Day, even though we plan to spend it quietly mom and I, I’m still sat here feeling excitement knowing there are so many people out there about to have the most magical morning opening gifts, it’s so magical for children and lovely for their parents to watch, thanks to my bestie, I got to be part of that for a few years with her children without having to go through labour and the constant strain on my finances forever more ;)    I truly believe if Christmas is done properly though, the run up to it is as enjoyable and important as the day itself.  I love the food shop, I know lots of people seem to get stressed about it, but I love food shopping and doing it without working the Smart Points out just once a year is fabulous, seeing all that delicious food, buying last minute silliness like a dog treat basket shaped like a bone, that’s what it’s all about.  I even bought our squirrels a bag of posh nuts this year, yep they had walnuts, almonds and hazelnuts yesterday, it was so lovely watching them and hilarious seeing them try to get 2 hazelnuts in their mouths at once.  The cat that isn’t my cat got chicken, it was reduced to £1.50 in Co-op when I went for the papers so I cooked it and he enjoyed it!

Once my bestie had left yesterday and I’d walked the dog, we had a visit from my other brother, so now that’s all my siblings seen, the rest of the day consisted of rich food and wine and Christmas films.  We had an early night, just after eight (not the chocolates) and that’s why I’m awake before 5am, it’s not the excitement of Christmas, it’s that I’m fully rested.

I’d normally spend the morning in the kitchen prepping dinner, but we’re not having a turkey dinner this year so I’ll be spending the morning with my mom, chatting and enjoying each other’s company.   We’re having egg and chips with sprouts for dinner because we can, because that’s what she requested.

I’ve just scrolled through my “on this day” on Facebook, we’ve had some fantastic Christmas’s, heck I did a 5k run on the beach back in 2011, that won’t be happening this morning.  Some traditions that will be happening include loved ones, wine, Doctor Who (I have to spend my Christmas – I was going to say with him but it’s going to be with her, exciting), the Queen’s speech, crackers (the pulling kind) and love.

Yep Christmas is about so much more than food and alcohol, although that is good too, it’s a feeling, it really is the spirit, the kindness people show to each other at this time of year is always incredible, my members are always generous with their donations when I ask them to support whatever cause I choose each year.  It’s also a time for forgiveness, because it isn’t just about giving monetary things, you need to give your love too.  Time is one of the best gifts you can give anyone, including yourself, we all need to take more time to live, to work and be preoccupied less, to do the things that we enjoy and that mean something to us and/or our loved ones.

Christmas has become about giving, although I am pleased to say this year, the people in my circle have realised it’s not about the biggest or the most, it’s about a little thoughtfulness.  It’s the box of Toffifee because I mentioned it in a meeting once and the member remembered the story, so lovely.  My best gift was my bestie managing to get over to see me before even though I know she was shattered after delivering all your letters and gifts and working 6 day weeks, made my weekend that did.

Anyway, it’s time to get on with enjoying the actual day itself, she’ll not wake for a while so I’ll go get the washing up done first, there’s probably time for a game of Candy Crush too.  This life I’ve chosen isn’t the easiest right now but I wouldn’t have it any other way, today though, we’re going to pretend Alzheimer’s doesn’t exist, I’m just grateful that we didn’t lose her that Christmas in Wales when she ended up in hospital, so each and every Christmas we get now is a super bonus, even when she’s being a super bitch, she’s my super bitch and I love the crazy, sometimes cranky old lady.

Merry Christmas and a happy & healthy always BeYOUtiful, enjoy your day. x

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