Monday 13 November 2017

HOT STUFF! Whatever!

13th November 2017
Just so we’re clear, I’m under no obligation to stay in the same mood for any length of time.  Perimenopause

Morning, it has been since 2.38am for me, can I just say when I asked the universe  for a smoking hot body the journey to menopause was not what I meant!  I’ve just googled it, here’s just a little of the info I found;

“Perimenopause is a time of unpredictability. Menstrual and hormone-related symptoms are different for every woman. Some notice few or no changes. And others have severe symptoms that disrupt their sleep and daily lives. As during the teen years, irregular cycles can lead to heavy menstrual bleeding. Other common symptoms include mild to severe hot flashes, insomnia, cloudy thinking, headaches, heart palpitations, mood swings, irritability, depression, and anxiety. Some of these symptoms can also be related to aging and other life changes.”

Well last night I had all but 3 of those systems bar!  How lucky am I, I thought as I lay there feeling my beard grow.  And to think this is just the warm up, I have the menopause to follow!

Yeah it wasn’t a great night’s sleep at all, the only bonus is I’ve woke up with a stonking headache but no desire for food, I’ve got so much to do today, this will be fun – NOT!   The Paracetamol ain’t touching it, so I’m gonna get the big drugs out ;) Not really, I’ll just try a couple of Ibruprofen next, I can’t handle a day long headache if I’m driving to Leominster later.

More googled info:

You can improve your body's ability to handle menstrual changes by getting regular exercise, eating a healthy diet, limiting alcohol and caffeine intake, and reducing stress. Nonprescription pain relievers can also help reduce some symptoms.

So there’s my motivation to get properly on track and sort myself out, if moving more, eating healthy, drinking less alcohol and caffeine and reducing stress will help me not have nights like last night, let’s do this!

Together with my members this week, I’m starting Flex, the cat seems to be well and truly out of the bag so using the name of the new magic is okay I reckon, I can’t wait to discuss it with members this week and show them how fabulous this is going to be for all of us, early Christmas pressie for sure.  As we all start following it and seeing the results we can use the hashtag #TheFlexEffect

If you can’t wait till your meeting and need to know a little more Weight Watchers posted this video yesterday, I’d still say wait for the meeting, its better when you’re told something and can ask questions straight away!  I won’t be answering any questions until the relevant meetings, so be warned before you message me!

Right Alfie is dogging me, he wants his walk so I’m off now, here’s to a very, very healthy day, I will sleep better tonight if it kills me!  I do hope you slept better than me BeYOUtiful xx

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