Wednesday 11 October 2017

I'm a Souper Trooper!

11th October 2017
There is only one person you spend your whole life with, and that is yourself.  If you aren’t okay with you, then do something about it!

Right I’m ready to do this, my fridge is full of fruit, veg and Weight Watcher meals!  I had a sort of good day yesterday but today, I do declare, I intend to track!  Oh yeah, I will be mostly being a proper Weight Watchers because I’ve been messing about for a few weeks or more and I’m ready and wanting to do it again. 

Roasted my broccoli stems last night and had them with a bit of soy sauce on, very nice that was, had it with salmon was really tasty.

Made some soup too, that worked, found a bag of broccoli, cauliflower and carrots and a bag of sliced onions, added a stock pot = sorted!  Bit of salt and pepper and voila, soup.  Under a pound it cost too, I’ll have some more of that today, I can do this and so can you!

I’m seeing so much success in my meetings, it’s time for me to replicate it a little faster than I have been doing and follow the plan properly!

The kitchens not really very functional again this week as I’ve been oiling the worktops ready for Mark to fit them on, he’s crazy full on in his day job so I’m thinking it’s not happening anytime soon.   Which means I have a 2 ft square worktop to use in the middle of the room, although now the oil has been put on and is dry, I guess I could work on the tops that are on top of the temporary tops, it’d just be a bit awkward because it’s higher.  We’ll see, but I know I can cook if I want to, there’s always a way!

I fancy a nice bowl of salad today though, enjoyed that one I had at the pub Monday, maybe a bowl of soup followed by salad with some fish or meat on it, I’ll check the freezer out and go from there.  I know I bought some fish the other day at the Co-op because it was reduced.  Ooo throw some Edamame beans in, got some beetroot too, yeah I’m getting excited about healthy food.  Yeah gonna have me some time being creative in the kitchen, that’s what I’ve missed in my life.

My meetings yesterday gave me lots of ideas too, love how we all share thoughts in meetings, one we came up with was a sticky toffee apple, Weight Watcher style, core your apple and bake, then chop up and stuff it with a sticky toffee bar and pop back in oven to bake a little longer.  Would be lush with a bit of custard on top!  Another was slicing a banana and stuffing with bits of whichever bar you like the most.  Getting a bit of your five a day whilst having a treat.

Right I’m off to get what I need doing done, then I can play in the kitchen before my meeting tonight.  Here’s to a great day, staying on track and being a proper Weight Watchers.

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