Thursday 19 October 2017

Getting there...

19th October 2017
Never let fear decide your future.

Another day of honest tracking in the bag and even though it wasn’t a great day, I wrote it down, ended on 41, so actually an improvement on the day before which was 47 and no snacking on anything after I’d had my cheese and beetroot sandwich for my tea, which was really good to be honest. 

What have I learned from two days of honest tracking, for starters I’d got into the habit of snacking with my mom and I’ve never done that before so need to break that habit before it before a permanent fixture – it’s too easy to say ‘oh go on then’, I’m also eating stuff just because it’s there or because I’ve seen someone else eat it, so Tuesday that was a rocky road bar because it was there and a bag of frisps because my member was eating a bag.  Which means in total I wasted 10 Smart Points Tuesday on stuff that I could’ve lived without.  Yesterday was better, I ate a bag of WW fruit salad sweets because they were there when I was putting my stock away (learned my lesson there don’t worry!) and my lovely helper bought me a samosa last night because it’s Diwali today – oh that was so good, I enjoyed it a lot and ate less for my tea because of it so that wasn’t a waste as it was filling and delicious.

Today’s plan is to not have any unhealthy snacking. This is going to be a test because I know I have no bread downstairs nor any eggs so what am I going to have for breakfast?  I’ll keep it healthy if it kills me, I know there’s some pitta breads, tomatoes, a slice of gammon, mmm, a gammon pitta!  We’ll see, watch this space.

And I’ve just had an idea for lunch, using up the courgettes that are in the fridge, I’ll let you know tomorrow if it worked or watch my instagram/facebook timeline for photos.    

Might go and throw some frozen chicken pieces in the slow cooker with some garlic too, that’d be nice to get home to later.

See all these things are helping me to press my reset button and reboot my weight loss journey.  I’m absolutely loving the meeting suggestions this week, they’re really helping me a lot, plus we’re having plenty of smile moments which is always a bonus.

Mom’s not got Rheumatoid arthritis, it’s osteoarthritis but she’s still in a lot of pain, we could barely get her in and out the car because her right knee has no movement in it at all now.  We’ve been given some physio exercises to do to see what we can do to help!

You know what, I need to get off the computer because I feel the need to prepare my feed ;)

Here’s to a great day BeYOUtiful, we really, truly, have got this!

Oh before I go, I asked my members in my Facebook group to share their best advice in 4 words or less, so here they are to share with you;

Never Give Up!
Be kind to yourself x
Don't look back
Eat healthy and enjoy x
Stay to your meeting x
Stick with it
Give yourself a break
Do not forget yourself
Stay focused track food
Believe you’re worth this
Make yourself a priority
You can do this!
Do it for you x
Go to your meetings.
Throwaway your bathroom scales
Bite it write it x
Make sure you’re realistic
Appreciate what you have
Never give up
You can do it
Only ever look forward
One life be happy x
Everyone needs a Bev!
Learn from your mistakes
Little goals BIG results 
All of the above! 

There were duplicates which I’ve removed but I think there’s some pretty good advice there, can you add it that list?

Mine is the photo - Love yourself more BeYOUtiful!

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