Tuesday 31 October 2017

Faking it!

31st October 2017
Choose optimism, back it with action.

Yesterday was a good day, different to my norm but good.  I took my car in at half nine and in my head I thought it was going to be done whilst I waited, nope it wasn’t, so instead of going home which was about the same distance, probably further, I said I’d have a walk into town and a nosey around the shops, how cheap is Primark!  Finally got my car back, then had to get back to cook some lunch for mom and sort her medication out before driving to Leominster to do my Mentor Champ bit (it’s a silly title isn’t it!).  We’re looking to recruit coaches out that way (and everywhere tbh), so if you could all head on over to our area page and share the post, I would be most grateful. https://www.facebook.com/WWarea41/photos/a.641795779202474.1073741828.641721782543207/1404978872884157/?type=3&theater

I had eggs, mushrooms tomatoes on toast for breakfast, then for dinner I made us chicken sausage, mash, sweetcorn and onion gravy.  Driving back from the meeting on the night, it was so tempting to stop at the chippy, I didn’t and one of the things that popped into my head (other than mad clowns Lucy!) was the fact I’d tried a couple of pieces of clothing on that afternoon and didn’t feel comfy in them, I need half stone shifting to feel comfy in most things in my wardrobe!

I drove through glorious countryside on a gorgeous day on the way there, dark windy lanes on the way back, thankfully, I’ve drove those lanes many times over the years, not for a few years maybe but in years gone by on my many trips to wales, we often went that way, such a lovely part of the world.

My fitbit was truly impressed with me by the end of the day I have to say, I ended on 21,161 steps, 9 miles that!  I’m impressed, 21 Fit Points – wow, I’ll take that.

A normal work day today – well as normal as being a Weight Watcher coach will ever be, looking forward to catching up with everyone, seeing how their week went and hearing what’s going on in their world. 

I’ve not got my food day planned – oops, I do know they’ll be eggs for breakfast because I have a lot of them, might go with a ready meal for lunch, make some space in my freezer, or maybe salmon, if I take that out this morning we could have that with potatoes and veg, then the ready meal can be for tea when I get home – sorted, see how easy that was to organise your days menu.  We really have no excuse do we!

I got all my members to do a day’s tracker last week, showing how easy it was to stay on track and it is if you sort your mindset – that’s the challenge usually – fake it till you make it I say.  I faked it yesterday, I could’ve eaten my own head, I almost fooled myself a few times, once in town, I needed the loo and thought to myself, McDonald’s has a toilet, I could have a coffee whilst in there – I know if I’d stepped in that building, my tourettes would’ve surfaced and I’d have walked to the counter thinking coffee and instead blurted out, “can I have a big mac meal with a sweet and sour sauce please”, I held my wee instead!   Whilst walking back to the garage, I noticed a KFC and knew my car wasn’t ready because he hadn’t called me, I thought I could go in have that coffee and maybe have something healthier like chicken breast salad, WHATEVER, there’s no way I wouldn’t have ordered the good stuff – the pieces on the bone, I’ve never eaten anything else from there, I didn’t even know you could just buy a couple of pieces until a couple of years ago – I’ve managed that twice! 

My heads not completely in the game, I still want to eat my own head but I also want to get back in those clothes so I will continue to do battle and duel in my mind with myself, the chip shops did not win yesterday on the drive home, I will not be defeated, I will get that half stone off before Christmas because I know I can do some damage over that break.

Today, I will focus on the 12 hours ahead of me, I won’t think about the fact my brother and his wife arrive Thursday and the indulgence that could bring, nope I’ll focus on what I can do today.

Enjoy Tuesday, make it tremendous – we’ve got this BeYOUtiful.

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