Sunday 24 September 2017

Slow down Sunday

24th September 2017
Things don’t happen for no reason they happen to teach you something.

Today I plan to slow down and take some time for me, only doing what I fancy doing, strangely enough tidying my bedroom and changing my bedding is already on that list, not doing it because I have to, doing it because I want to.    Then I’ll take the rest of the day from there.  Got my plastering being down today, that’s the highlight of my day, rock and roll here baby, rock and roll, just the way I like it.

I’ve weighed myself this morning and I’m very, very pleased with the results, I cannot believe in the two months I’ve been having all this work done on my house that I’ve managed to lose weight, I’ve just looked on my Weight Watcher app weight loss chart and this time last year I was 9.5lb heavier, that’s made my day, now to lose more and get back to my own personal goal!

I’ve loved this week’s meetings, seeing lots of new and returning members, we’ve been predicting the future and deciding what our next goals are.  We’ve got exactly 14 weeks left of this year, shall we make the rest of the year the best of the year?  If you were to lose 2lb a week that’s 2 stone, 1lb a week a stone, I prefer 1/2lb a week and half stone for me as I’m in no rush and I love my niceness!   You never know though, once my kitchen is complete, I’m going to want to spend time in there cooking up delicious, healthy food because yesterday when I cooked my dinner, it reminded me how much tastier good food is.  I fried onions, red peppers, edamame beans, lentils and had salmon with it, so good.  I might even have salmon again today or chicken, we shall see what mom fancies, washing up is dictating my cooking right now as I’m not a fan of carrying it all upstairs, not much longer though.

What needs to happen for those goals we’ve set to be met?  Well we all agreed it starts in the supermarket, my shopping was delivered yesterday, I’m keeping it minimal for now until I can fully utilise my new cupboards.  Some planning can be handy, if you know what you’re having, it saves a lot of stress, if you’re not a planner just make sure all you have in your cupboards is healthy.

For it to work for me, for me to achieve my goals, the food needs to be enjoyable, if I enjoy eating it and feel satisfied afterwards then I’m more willing to stay on track.  Ooo I’ve just remembered I bought all the ingredients for that Morroccan style shepherds pie, except I’ve also realised I ate the lentils yesterday, no problem, hopefully they’ll have them over the co-op or in the poundstretcher, that might wait till tomorrow though I think.

Anyway, I’m waffling and I want a cuppa tea, I’ve had my pint of water, always a good sign that I’m getting back on track that is.  Here’s to a slow down Sunday, whatever you have planned BeYOUtiful, enjoy it. x

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