Thursday 17 August 2017

Embracing change

17th August 2017
Everything you need, your courage, strength, compassion and love: everything you need is already within you.

Yesterday I was reminded that the one constant in life is change!   One reason people resist change is because they focus on what they have to give up, instead of what they have to gain.  What are you resisting? 

I agreed to some change yesterday, I went for that interview to be a Coach Mentor on the 7th and yesterday I was offered the role of Mentor Champ which is the next step up.  Did I accept?  Hell yeah I did, it’s a new challenge and I’m so ready for a new challenge. 

So the next time you’re contemplating change or something is changing outside of your control, remember change can be risky, it can be difficult but it can also be beautiful and it will always show more of yourself.  In life we need to change and grow or we end up with that ‘stuck’ feeling I blogged about the other day and we don’t want that do we.

I was buzzing yesterday when I heard the news, I now get to help my colleagues and the business even more, the response I received from my colleagues was also really positive which of course makes it an even better outcome.  I’m really looking forward to the future now.

Today though, I have five meetings to run so I need to come back down to earth and get myself sorted! 

In the kitchen, the lino has been fitted, the cooker comes today, it’s all getting there, I can function again in the as it’s a kitchen again, all be it an incomplete one.  I stuck with quick easy meals yesterday, had a chicken sandwich with microwave chips for lunch and a Weight Watcher red thai curry ready meal for tea, they both did the job and I wasn’t hungry.   Keeping busy certainly stops me thinking about food and I’m certainly going to be busy with two roles! 

Right I’m off, here’s to a fab day, keep smiling BeYOUtiful. xx

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Congratulations Bev. You are amazing and WW and WW members are so lucky to have you in their lives. Im sure you will be the best at whatever you do, as your enthusiasm is so infectious xxx
