Friday 14 July 2017

#thisisWW #Welight

14th July 2017
It’s a day to smile and be grateful for all the days yet to come.
Well I had a brilliant day yesterday, usually I spend Thursdays in Bloxwich running my meetings but not this week, this week I was invited to a very special event with Weight Watchers to have a sneak preview of some of the possibilities for Weight Watchers future as a company and all I can say is I AM VERY, VERY EXCITED!   I’m not going to lie, when I arrived I was apprehensive, but by the time I left I was buzzing, literally!  The entire day appealed to my belief system and I’m feeling really positive for the future of the company and my future as part of it.

I can’t tell you anything either which is killing me but what I will say is yesterday reminded me to step outside my comfort zone and be willing to try new things.  You can check out instagram for a few peaks though I’m actually in that video if you look closely, these ladies were fab and actually got my body tinging!  I leave you to think about that one ;)

 This is the photo on instgram from the afternoon and again I loved every second of it.  Bring on the future I say!
My life these days is very routine based and I’m absolutely fine with that, it’s helping mom live comfortably with her illness and as a result of that longer, having said that it is good to do things differently sometimes.  I thoroughly enjoyed my few hours driving in the car caught up in my own head with my own thoughts or actually at times with nothing going on in my head.  I arrived early and stood for half hour outside watching a robin forage for his breakfast, it's good to stop and breathe.

I didn’t even attempt to track yesterday, I also had a small pastry which was delicious, oh yeah and a crème brulee, I’m not a desert eater but now and again, it’s gotta be done.  It’s only gonna happen now and again though because I’d got heartburn by the end of the day!   I’ve got it again this morning too, that might have something to do with the bacon and tomato sandwich I’ve just had!  So the rest of today will mostly be about the healthy.

I’m at work tonight but today I’m going to continue with the theme of doing things I wouldn’t normally do, I’m gonna do a bit of studying, maybe have an hour in the garden, I enjoy just being and not doing, after all we are human beings not human doings, it’s okay to stop and be still.

I've already walked Alfie, just said goodbye to my bestie who made yesterday possible, she did all my meetings and came to mine at lunchtime to keep mom company, Angie popped in too and my sister so mom actually had more visitors than she would if I was home! 

Surrounded by love I am, realised that yesterday more than ever, my members who missed me, my friends and family who made it possible and my colleagues who I got to catch up with.  I'm gonna go spend some time with mom now, cuppa and a bit of chat I thinks in order.

Enjoy your Friday, it's the start of the weekend! 

Here's to a good one BeYOUtiful, we got this! 

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