Thursday 1 June 2017

Starting the month positive!

1st June 2017

A good laugh and a long sleep are the two best cures for anything.

First of another month, by the end of this one, we'll be halfway through the year!  I plan to make it count, hopefully it'll be a hot month and I can take advantage of more walking and sitting in the garden, salads and plenty of water - all good for my weight loss!  Stone by September, is my goal, half stone by July 13th, breaking it down and keeping it real, I know I enjoy a glass or two of wine and I don't want to give that up completely, so I'm going to continue to enjoy them and still lose weight, tweaking my 'diet' along the way.

 The tweak a week idea works, last week it was adding more fruit, this week I'm going to be tracking on paper, I'll do it on my app too but when I'm chilling and start to get board and tempted to snack, I'll sit and copy it across to my pad because then I'll have all my meal ideas laid out in front of me for when I'm struggling and don't know what to eat.

Last night I had this,

Minted chicken and ranch coleslaw in a delicious pitta bread.  The chicken was the powder from home bargains, the coleslaw was a kit from Asda, I didn't use the croutons in there, just the sauce and I pointed just that as Ranch dressing using the app, then the veggies in the bag are zero points. 
The Pitta breads were from the Co-op and only 4sp each, it was like a kebab from the chippy, really filling too.

I tried broad beans yesterday, they're alright, they were frozen ones and they're a bit faffy as they're better if you take the outer skin, but I added a spoon of mint sauce to them and then I didn't need to remove it. 
Now to focus on today, I'm going to have the rest of that beef curry for my tea and add mushrooms to bulk it out and add some rice, 12sp in total.   I need to think about lunch though, I have some leftove mash and veggies I can do something with, maybe a bubble and squeak style thing with a crusty cheese topping and a fried egg on top, that would be quick and easy.  I could eat that right now, but I won't I'll stick with my fruit and Greek yogurt, I had kiwi fruit on it yesterday, I can eat one of those a day, only £1 for 6 too, especially as they're packed with more vitamin C than an equivalent amount of orange, quite easy to peel too for use in my fruit salad, you can just cut them in half and scoop out the flesh with a spoon of course.

Yeah I'm getting me some weight off this month and little tweaks like a kiwi fruit a day are going to help, what's also going to continue to help is not having the stuff  in the house, can't eat what isn't here!  I'm not likely to binge on Greek yogurt!  I'm using the Asda app and as I think of things I do need or as I run out of something I'm adding it to the list so I only get delivered what I need, no over ordering, just press deliver when I hit the £40 level as I have the year delivery pass. 
I've just seen on Facebook one of my younger members Liam, he's asked his mom to post his before and now photo, 17lb in 9 weeks and the transformation is amazing, he chose to join and for a young lad to sit in a meeting with a bunch of women, that's quite something, but he fits in really well and he's enjoying himself.  I won't share the photo as it's not a public one, but his mom goes on to say before his son, sister and mom they've lost 73lb in my meetings this year - how fabulous is that!   The whole family are getting healthy together, just brilliant.
Right I'm off, it's time to go to work, well not quite but it soon will be so I better get dressed or folk will stare. 
Here's to just doing it this June, one day at a time, no need for perfection, turning our why into WOW!  We got this BeYOUtiful.

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