Saturday 6 May 2017

Weight Watchers - It's family, it's community, its special.

6th May 2017
Grow through what you go through.

Emotional day yesterday, I rang Social Services for the first time to ask for some help, I want a wet room fitted downstairs for mom to make her life easier and I was going to use my savings and people have told me I can get help so I got in touch to find out.  I ended up crying on the phone when I actually started to answer their questions, saying it all out loud makes the reality of the situation hit home, the realisation of what's happening to her and how unfair it all is, how bad she's gotten so quickly, it's sad and a good cry did me the world of good.  The many Facebook messages of support I received were incredible and once again I found myself thankful for the job I do.  It made me make this little video and put it on Facebook, I just felt the need to say something, I didn't think about what I was going to say, I just pressed record, I notice every time I say coach I go to say leader, it takes some time getting used to not using the title you've had for 12 years, but whether you call me leader or coach, it's still the most incredible job in the world!

I don't know where those words came from, but I'm guessing from my heart and it's so true, Weight Watchers it is family, community and incredibly special.  Unless you've ever been part of it, you probably wouldn't get it but if you have, you 100% understand.  When I start in that meeting and watched the interaction, the support members are giving each other, the understanding of one another's situations, the humour of it all being shared, it really is beyond words if I'm honest.

Thursday night we all connected over our love of a good curry, last night we laughed so much over 'buffets' but you really had to be there to appreciate that one!   It's my escape from reality now and again and I just love it, even better still I get paid to do it, I get paid to be part of so many people's lives, their successes, their struggles, their huge life moments.  I've watched babies grow into young adults as they've come along with their moms to my meetings and I've been made to feel like I'm part of their extended family. 

I always smile when a member tells me they were talking to someone in the supermarket, gym, doctors, hairdressers or even on holiday and it turned out they both knew me, I was the thing that connected them.  How great is that!  Apparently I'm a little well known round here... I'm gonna guess it's not always in a good way, we're none of us loved by everyone are we!

I saw two of my members whilst out walking yesterday, Bram and Keith, both said 'I'm keeping it off' and you could tell, both lost a good few stone and learned the WW way and kept it up, brilliant.

It feels so good to make a difference in this world, which is why I want to mention a young lady who's about to. Tia is raising funds to travel to Borneo next year, she will be there for 3 weeks working with local children working on community Projects, which will include teaching the children English, building extra classrooms and painting orphanages within the village, she'll arrange activities for the children and spend time with them helping them to smile and believe they have a future, she has to fund the entire trip herself and her mom (one of my most memorable members) is coming up with charity events throughout the year, one of which is easy fundraising   a way of raising a % of what customers pay, it doesn't cost any extra money to the customer and as long as they go through the easy fundraiser site it will be exactly the same shopping experience, but it will mean the big consumers will donate to Tias fund

You can help by signing up, I did it and it's really easy, once you in just type in 'Outlook Expeditions Borneo 2018 - Tia Smith' and you will collect free donations every time you buy online, it won't cost you a penny extra.  I buy a lot of stuff off Amazon and just by going through easyfundraising it says I can raise up to 1.5% of what I spend, so wished she'd sent me the link a month ago before I did my bedroom, she'd have made a load off me ;)


Anyway back to Weight Watchers, food wise another good day, No Count again, I was impressed I didn't emotionally eat or drink yesterday, it would have been so easy to say 'I'll just have something nice' to make me feel better, instead I cooked some tasty grub.  For breakfast I had oats and grated apple (nice), lunch was delicious, I cooked a chicken breast and 2 bacon medallions on my George Foreman and had it with salad and balsamic dressing.  Then my tea had been cooking all day, I put a tray of braising steak in the slow cooker and topped with loads of sliced onions, drizzled a tablespoon of olive oil over the top and cooked it on low for about 10 hours.  For the last 1/2 hour I added about a tablespoon of balsamic vinegar and 2 crumbled oxo cubes stirred it all in, the juices that had come out of it all made it all into a sauce, turned it up to high and half hour later, mmmmm it was lush.  Served it on a sweet potato jacket and some green beans that were left over from the day before.


Ooo what to have today!  I'll be starting with egg, bacon and mushrooms sarnie or on toast thanks to my member Nikki, sending a pack of mushrooms with her hubby when he came to finish my blinds because she knew I'd forgot them in my shopping.  See that's WW family all over that it! 


Let's all enjoy today BeYOUtiful, support each other and take care of us. 


I posted on Facebook last night;


Weight Watchers - It's family, it's community, its special. 💗 share if you agree


It's been shared 80 times already, so if you agree with me, go share my post, or make your own up, let's tell the world how wonderful we all are at Weight Watchers.


Weight Watchers works because of that group support - let people know.  


Thank you for being my Weight Watcher family xx

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