Tuesday 23 May 2017

I joined Weight Watchers - took my own advice!

23rd May 2017
It's a marathon not a sprint.
Get accountable!  That's what makes Weight Watchers work!  That's what I talked about in my blog yesterday and I know I said I was going to be accountable to my bestie, but between us we can change our minds by the minute.  I realised I need to be truly accountable, be a proper Weight Watcher, that's what truly works, when I join a meeting, I lose weight, so that's what I did.  It was lovely to sit in a meeting a be a 'member' no one but the coach knowing what I did for a living.  I came away ready for a good week.  I also really enjoyed having an hour for me, a cuppa and a natter with likeminded people and time to think about what I wanted for my week ahead.

Yesterday was a perfect day, heck I even tracked my milk!  Each meal was based round a bap but that's okay because had I not been tracking I'd have had the meal and then the bap!  My day was all tracked on my phone, got my first blue dot, even fitted in a nice glass of red before I went to bed. 

Breakfast - bacon, egg & mushroom bap.  I took a bit of bread out of the bap to save a point.  8sp

Lunch - garlic chicken bap 6sp

Dinner - chip bap with mushrooms, cherry tomato and lettuce 6sp. That chip bap was immense, I'd cut the spuds into like squares, so good.

I even ate a bag of apple slices and grapes plus 2 satsumas.  Having that five a day really does help to fill me up.  The sunshine makes a huge difference for me too.

When I got home I went for a 45 minute walk, mom might not be up to getting out and about doesn't mean I don't need too and on such a glorious day it's easier.

On the afternoon mom and I went for a drive, was lovely to get out and have a giggle, driving round the country lanes enjoying the scenery, enjoying spending time with each other - loved it.

Only 6 days to go then a weight loss at my meeting - I can do this, one day at a time.   Knowing I'm going to be weighed by someone else, be accountable makes all the difference.I didn't feel like I was 'on a diet' at all yesterday.  Today I've got salmon for lunch, thinking maybe a No Count day, it'll mean I won't get a blue dot on my tracker but hey ho at least I'll be on track and in the zone.  I'll have beans on toast for breakfast, topped with an egg of course.  Oh I have a chicken that's got to be cooked too, so I'll cook that and have some of that for tea, then I'll stop buying TOO MUCH food for two people I reckon - doh. 

Right let's get another day started, just finishing my first pint of water, time for a cuppa, we got this BeYOUtiful, let's do this. 
Weight Watchers Works because of that group support. x

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