Friday 12 May 2017

Have you got that Friday feeling?

12th May 2017

Very little is needed to make a happy life.

6.43am, is that a new record for a lie in for me, I don't know but I like it!  Woke a couple of times at 4 and 6 but just lay there enjoying my bed, was nice and after the long 13 hour day yesterday much needed, ready for today now though.

I've got another busy one today, have a meeting this morning with some of my colleagues, I'll need to get myself organised now, then of course I've got my lovely Essington meeting tonight, another amazing day at the scales yesterday, I can't remember the totals off the top of my head but they were awesome, my members are all the best. 

The highlight of my day was Charlene, she's been my member since 2004, only stopping to have babies (she has 7 children in total now!), now 6 stone lighter than she was at her heaviest, every time she's had a baby, she's returned to get back to her goal.  Inspirational doesn't even begin to describe her, every week she comes quite early, with two of the children, the youngest ones 8 months old now and she's back at goal already.  She has to be so organised because they always look amazing too, little princess yesterday walking around in her pretty dress and a big bow on her head.  Well she tells me she has found some old photos and shows me, I instantly got emotional because looking at those before photos, I remembered that girl from back in 2004, I'd just become a leader and trying to remember everything was really difficult, I've never been great with names but I rarely forget a face.  I stood there and realised I remembered the girl in the photo and I knew the woman stood in front of me but I'd forgotten somewhere over the last 13 years that they were actually the same person because she's changed so much.   Once again, I realise how blessed I am to get to know such amazing people and just have a glimpse into their precious lives.  I would never, ever have got to know this many people in any other job I could've done, especially not in a positive way.

She really is proof, you can be whoever you choose to be!

Talking of new moms, I mean it has to be one of the hardest jobs in the world doesn't it, 9 months of labour, then a little ball of screaming to love and cherish and take care of in addition to any other children you may already have, the big child you chose to have the baby with and then somewhere along the line you have to take care of yourself - that's a tough call.  However my new moms are doing it successfully and enjoying the journey, Laura also hit her 10% yesterday and is only 2.5lb of getting back to her goal, then there's Sam and Louise, oh just so many to mention but I've got moms and prams coming and going each week and they're all doing so well.  It always impresses me massively because I find looking after myself difficult enough without being responsible for a tiny human being that's helpless - I hope all you moms out there realise how incredible you are, even if your kids are grown up now, you still did all that hard work.

And I hope all you grown up kids out there are appreciative of everything your moms did (sometimes your dads, it not always the mom who does the bringing up!) and you're looking at returning the favour now.  I owe my mom for doing my washing for the first 44 years of my life - yep I had it pretty good!  We make a good team!

Anyway, FOOD!  ;) I had a delicious sausage and egg wrap for breakfast using my Weight Watcher wrap and low fat pork sausage from Penn Rd Butchers, I've sadly not been able to get the Weight Watcher sausages for a while now so these are a great replacement.  Despite a long, busy day, I stopped and made tandoori chicken skewers for lunch, had them with coconut rice, mom licked the plate, I do love it when she eats everything I put in front of her. 

Then for tea I had to have salad because the use by date on my Wednesday delivery was the 11th, I didn't really want it but it was actually really good, chicken and mango salad from Asda, 5sp a tub, there was actually 2 tubs so I took the chicken out of both tubs, there was only 4 small pieces in the one tub, more in the other, so it would've been better with more chicken, the mango sauce sachet was nice though.  It's given me the idea to make my own version with fresh mango rather than a sauce.  That's would save points too.

Okay, I'm off to do my Weight Watcher thing, not until I've sorted mine and moms brekkie though, ooo what to have?  Mom will have toasted teacake, I'm thinking smoked turkey rashers in a toasted warby thin or they're going to walk out of the kitchen on their own!

Here's to a cracking good Friday folks, we can do this BeYOUtiful, we got this!

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