Friday 14 April 2017

Surround yourself with awesome people!

14th April 2017

Don't let yesterday use up too much of today.

Good Friday, let's make it good then shall we, if your instant response to that idea was 'chance would be a fine thing' or 'I wish' or similar then it's time to do something about your life.  I love to learn from others, I also love people who make me think, at least two have done that this week, one was last night on Facebook when she posted this;
Was speaking to the practice nurse today about medications that cause weight gain and she gave me a brilliant answer our female GP gives to patients ...
A pill has no calories and therefore cannot make you gain weight it may however make you feel hungrier and in that case it is up to you what you eat when you open the cupboard and fridge door!   I love straight talking people!

Interesting theory and of course lots of comments and responses followed, it's food for thought, my response was I've been on medication since I was ten that is known for causing weight gain, I've been 8st and I've been over 14st, I've always took the medication, that never changed, what I ate and drank changed a lot!  Here you'll find the NHS official take on it &

If you're taking medication, I think this is worth thinking about, I know my medication affects my appetite massively, sometimes I overate, sometimes I don't - I do know I have been able to control that appetite, so what changes, it isn't the dosage so something in my brain helps me with that control or lack thereof, the mind is a very powerful tool.

I've eaten well the last 2 days and I can feel the difference in how I feel, my emotional wellbeing is much better, yes this could also be about where I am on my hormonal cycle but it could also be to do with the food I've decided to eat.  I can't share yesterdays photos, I'm having phone problems, my battery keeps dying in hours, so after a lovely chat with an Apple lady, she's suggested I reset my phone to factory settings for 24 hours and have no apps to see if it's the phone or an app something in the background causing it, so I am without Facebook and messenger as apps - eek.  I've also lost over 400 life's on my Candy Crush which I was storing up for if I was ever stuck somewhere and needed to pass the time.  I must have changed because a year ago this would have devastated me, now it's just 'hey, ho, there you go, I'll cope' I must have grown up, or realised it's all just stuff. 

The other person who said something that reminded me to think had just handed her notice in (don't worry I'm not) and she said she had always told her kids "If you're not happy - change something."  I've always believed this too, no matter how long it takes or how little that change is.  For me Wednesday morning it was how I was feeling and trying to identify the cause, which is why I've changed my eating over the last two days to see if it would make a difference. 

Changing my house is making me happier too, just getting rid of all that stuff has cleared my head enormously, I like to walk into my house now, don't get me wrong there's still work to do both on the house and on my ways (I'm not gonna become a domestic goddess overnight - but I'm improving), I do feel so much better though.

Yesterday I opted for No Count, you don't need photos to know that, I had scrambled eggs and mushrooms on toast for breakfast, I used 18g of protein cheese which when weighed came up as 0sp (I need more of these zero cheats in my life - if you know any, let me know please), lunch was salmon and roasted veg with quinoa and chick peas - loving my grains at the moment, then for tea I had steak, onions, edamame beans and brown rice, delicious everything I ate yesterday was.  I think I might go with No Count again today, we shall see, I have a joint of beef wants cooking, I'm thinking a roast dinner perhaps, we shall see, I have leftover rice with onions and beans downstairs, I'm gonna have that for my breakfast because I can and it'll make me happy.

Right I had me a lie in till half 6, I love that, so I better get a wriggle on, it's not a day off for me, business as usual tonight at Essington Community Centre, I'll be there for my regular 5.30pm meeting and tomorrow at Old Fallings 9am, so no excuses if you haven't been to a meeting this week, why not come and jump on my scales and say hi.

Have a GOOD FRIDAY Beyoutiful, I plan too.

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