Wednesday 5 April 2017

Ouch, 3lb on - enough said!

5th April 2017
Don't spend time beating on a wall hoping to transform it into a door.

Ouch, 3lb on, that was a slap round the face!  That's what comes of not tracking, eating crisps, having a burger at B&Q, having a food party Thursday night.   I don't remember the last time I had such a bad week, it's over now though.  After saying 'hey ho' as I stepped back off the scales, I was reminded that I get weighed by my boss next month and so needed to get back on it. 

I'd said I'd put a chicken casserole in the slow cooker before work yesterday - I didn't, I got delayed looking for recipe cards in the shed and one thing and another and by then time I'd finished, it was time to leave for work.

Then it was Sharon's 60th and she'd bought cupcakes, this was before I'd been reminded I needed to get a grip so I'd eaten one, when I Smart Pointed them later, they turned out to be 13sp - huge ouch there!  I was tempted to not track yesterday and draw the line this morning, but my new member told me to start now and she was right, I wrote it down and made sure the rest of the day was good. 

That's what Weight Watchers meetings are all about, it's not just getting weighed, it's being reminded by others of why you're doing it, being supported when you're struggling and being given advice, ideas and that little push in the right direction. 

It's where the magic happens!

It's where everyone in the room understands how you feel!

It's where me and my BeYOUtiful members have an awful lot of fun and giggles too I'm happy to say.

My new member then suggested I put my chicken casserole in the oven when I got home rather than the slow cooker - DOH, why hadn't I thought of that, I was just thinking, if I put it in the slow cooker when I get home, I can have it for my tea.  See, sometimes we become blinkered and can't see the most obvious solution that is glaring at us!  

Again meetings are great for everyone bashing out a problem and finding solutions together, we all need help sometimes and getting it from like-minded people makes logical sense.

We had egg and cress sandwiches for lunch, I only had to use 1sp from my weeklies for the lighter than light mayo, the rest of my day was No Count, bacon medallions, mushrooms and egg thins for breakfast and chicken casserole for my tea.  I'll probably do No Count again today, that way I can eat bigger, I fancy some lentils or grains of some sort I think.

At least I'm walking the dog, that's something helping my healthy, I have to say my happy is 100%, loving the new decluttered house and I'm enjoying looking for stuff to make my bedroom my sanctuary.

Today though, I've just remembered I'm out for lunch, we're celebrating Sharon's 60th, so I'm thinking steak and jacket probably safest on No Count!

Here's to a 100% No Count day, whatever approach you're following today, let's make it a good one.

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