Thursday 27 April 2017

Oops, my alarm didn't go off!

27th April 2017
Start where you are, use what you have - do what you can.
Well I need to say thank you to the birds singing outside my window this morning because they've woke me up as my alarm clock failed, need to make this a short and sweet blog as I'm half hour behind now and I've got to go pick up my helper as my regular helpers on holiday, no clue what I'm gonna write as I've literally just rolled out of bed and am still a little asleep.

I'm trying to remember what I did yesterday before my bestie came for lunch, I did the usual Wednesday stuff, walked Alfie, did some paperwork, I did a bit of washing but every time I went to hang it out, it started to rain!  We had the sides from my Indian meal deal for lunch with some chicken, it was nothing special but it filled us up.  I had the rest of the chicken for tea.  The best meal I had yesterday was my breakfast, scrambled egg on toast, the rest was just food but at least I stopped myself from having chippy tea which was what I actually fancied.

Today's going to be a busy one too so I need to have something planned because I have that 'chip shop supper' thought at the back of my mind, I need to have something delicious to tempt me to drive straight home and not go there.  If I have a bad Thursday, it's not going to be setting me up for a good weekend.  Another Bank Holiday too, I hadn't realised it was so soon. 

I really want to paint the living room this weekend if mom can cope with it, I may have to leave it till another weekend though.  My new chair arrived yesterday and it's lower at the back than my last one so you can see a big line on the wall where the old one has dented the lining paper and it's got dirty, that needs sorting out.  She's handled all the disruption pretty well, yesterday was testing waiting for the new chair, I was asked quite a lot of times, 'Did you need a new chair?  Who's having this one?' and other similar questions.  I'll be glad when my brother collects my old one as then it'll settle and the questions will stop.  The only up side to Alzheimer's is she doesn't realise she's asking the same thing repeatedly, it's a cruel, cruel disease.

The painting of the living room might need to wait a week or two to give me chance to put my room back together once he's finished, which should be tonight, he says he's got an hour left to do after work this evening then I should have my very own BeYOUtiful room that I can retreat to for some calm away from my office and the crazy of life.  I can't wait to get all my accessories in there and prettify it up.

Not today though, today's all about my members, getting some of them back on track after the Easter holidays, preparing them for the Bank Holiday ahead and all of us accepting we're doing the best we can in this thing called life - myself included. 

Mmm I could kill a bacon roll, I've got the bacon, but not the roll - see you can't eat what isn't there, it really is the easiest way to keep yourself on track. 

Don't buy it - can't eat it!

I'll end on that bit of advice I think, especially as I had that extra half hour in bed and I need that cuppa, the pint of waters working its magic though.  Have a great day beYOUtiful - you know it makes sense.

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